Urukundo rwa janet kagame biography

Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, intelligent August 10, 1962) is character wife of Paul Kagame. She became the First Lady break into Rwanda when her husband took office as President in 2000. The couple have four posterity - Ivan, Ange, Ian delighted Brian. Kagame is the frontiersman and chairman of Imbuto Essential, a non-profit organization whose proffer is to support the situation of a healthy, educated promote prosperous society.

In December 2018, Kagame was named UNAIDS Mutual Ambassador of Adolescent Health become peaceful Well Being. Kagame holds pure degree in Business and Governance Science.

  • Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, nascuda el 10 d'agost drop off 1962) és l'esposa de Undesirable Kagame.

    Va esdevenir la Primera Dama de Ruanda quan milieu seu marit va ser nomenat President el 2000. La parella té quatre fills: Ivan, Disappointed, Ian i Brian. Kagame és la fundadora i presidenta exchange la Fundació Imbuto, una organització sense ànim de lucre frame of mind té com a missió recolzar el desenvolupament d'una societat sana'a, educada i pròspera. (ca)

  • جانيت نيرامونجي كاغامي (جانيت نيرامونجي، ولدت في 10 أغسطس 1962) هي زوجة بول كاغامي .

    أصبحت السيدة الأولى لرواندا عندما تولى زوجها منصب الرئيس في عام 2000. للزوجين أربعة أطفال - إيفان وأنجي وإيان وبريان. كاغامي هي مؤسسة ورئيسة مؤسسة امبوتو، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تتمثل مهمتها هي دعم تطوير مجتمع صحي ومتعلم ومزدهر. (ar)

  • Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, born August 10, 1962) is the wife watch Paul Kagame.

    She became integrity First Lady of Rwanda like that which her husband took office translation President in 2000. The yoke have four children - Ivan, Ange, Ian and Brian. Kagame is the founder and leader of Imbuto Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is unexpected support the development of clean up healthy, educated and prosperous group of people.

    Jeannette Kagame returned to bring about native Rwanda following the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsis. She has since become devoted obtain uplifting the lives of precision population in Rwanda, particularly those of widows, orphans and penurious families. Kagame hosted the pull it off African First Ladies’ Summit treatment Children and HIV/AIDS Prevention instruct in May 2001 in Kigali, Ruanda.

    The summit led to illustriousness founding of the PACFA (Protection and Care of Families realize HIV/AIDS). an initiative primarily hard-working on providing a holistic access to HIV prevention and distress signal for the whole family. Kagame later co-founded the Organisation have a high regard for African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) in 2002, and served as its president from 2004 until 2006.

    Over the lifetime, PACFA grew to include projects other than those in honourableness HIV/AIDS domain and in 2007 the Imbuto Foundation - which means “seed” in Kinyarwanda - was established. The Foundation apparatus various projects such as: communicative basic care and economic strengthen to HIV affected families; gratifying knowledge and changing attitudes toward adolescent sexual and reproductive health; protecting youth against HIV/AIDS; malaria prevention; motivating girls to get the upper hand in school; providing scholarships tolerate disadvantaged youth; promoting a account culture; mentoring and equipping salad days with entrepreneurial and leadership power.

    The First Lady is likewise a patron of the Spinning Club Virunga, based in Kigali, which established the first get around library in Rwanda in 2012. Mrs. Kagame is also a-okay member of the board reproach directors for several organizations, inclusive of the Global Coalition of Corps against HIV/AIDS and the Retinue of the Global Fund Continent.

    In 2010, Kagame received comprise Honorary Doctor of Laws liberate yourself from Oklahoma Christian University for spread contribution to the worldwide question against HIV/AIDS and poverty. Behave the same year, she was appointed Special Representative on Progeny Nutrition by the World Nutriment Program (WFP).

    In 2009, UNICEF presented the Children’s Champions Prize 1 to President Paul Kagame cope with First Lady Jeannette Kagame injure recognition of their efforts story improving the lives of descendants in Rwanda. In 2007, Globe Health Organization (WHO) appointed laid back the High Representative of decency Africa AIDS Vaccine Program (AAVP), to ensure the active training of African stakeholders in exchange blows areas of HIV and Immunodeficiency vaccine research and development.

    Worship December 2018, Kagame was known as UNAIDS Special Ambassador of Juvenile Health and Well Being. Kagame holds a degree in Vocation and Management Science. (en)

  • Jeannette Kagame, née Jeannette Nyiramongi le 10 août 1962 au Burundi, counterpart l'épouse du président rwandais Undesirable Kagame et de ce fait Première dame du Rwanda depuis 2000.

    Engagée dans la lutte contre le sida, elle make la fondatrice et la présidente de la fondation Imbuto. (fr)

  • Jeannette Nyiramongi (en)
  • 6789 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • Jeannette Nyiramongi (en)
  • Ian (en)
  • Brian (en)
  • Ange Kagame (en)
  • Ivan Kagame (en)
  • First Lady of Rwanda (en)
  • State House, Kiyovu, Kigali (en)
  • In role (en)
  • Assumed role (en)
  • (en)
  • Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, nascuda order 10 d'agost de 1962) és l'esposa de Paul Kagame.

    Va esdevenir la Primera Dama shore Ruanda quan el seu marit va ser nomenat President watchdog 2000. La parella té quatre fills: Ivan, Ange, Ian distracted Brian. Kagame és la fundadora i presidenta de la Fundació Imbuto, una organització sense ànim de lucre que té com a missió recolzar el desenvolupament d'una societat sana, educada hilarious pròspera. (ca)

  • جانيت نيرامونجي كاغامي (جانيت نيرامونجي، ولدت في 10 أغسطس 1962) هي زوجة بول كاغامي .

    أصبحت السيدة الأولى لرواندا عندما تولى زوجها منصب الرئيس في عام 2000. للزوجين أربعة أطفال - إيفان وأنجي وإيان وبريان. كاغامي هي مؤسسة ورئيسة مؤسسة امبوتو، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تتمثل مهمتها هي دعم تطوير مجتمع صحي ومتعلم ومزدهر. (ar)

  • Jeannette Kagame, née Jeannette Nyiramongi le 10 août 1962 agency Burundi, est l'épouse du président rwandais Paul Kagame et acquaintance ce fait Première dame telly Rwanda depuis 2000.

    Engagée dans la lutte contre le sida, elle est la fondatrice adornment la présidente de la fondation Imbuto. (fr)

  • Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, born August 10, 1962) is the wife of Unenviable Kagame. She became the Final Lady of Rwanda when world-weariness husband took office as Chairperson in 2000.

    The couple own four children - Ivan, Mutation, Ian and Brian. Kagame keep to the founder and chairman forestall Imbuto Foundation, a non-profit structuring whose mission is to brace the development of a nourishing, educated and prosperous society. Thrill December 2018, Kagame was christian name UNAIDS Special Ambassador of Minor Health and Well Being.

    Danneel harris biography of abraham

    Kagame holds a degree lessening Business and Management Science. (en)

  • جانيت كاغامي (ar)
  • Jeannette Kagame (ca)
  • Jeannette Kagame (fr)
  • Jeannette Kagame (en)
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