Rhythmic gymnastics evgenia kanaeva biography
Syd duran biographyEvgenia Kanaeva: short biography, personal move about, career
Kanaeva Evgenia Olegovna was provincial in April 1990 in integrity city of Omsk. Kanaeva was able to become a double-cross Olympic champion, as well hoot a seventeen-time world champion. Evgenia Kanaeva's height is 168 centimeters. The girl's weight is one and only 42 kilograms (at the in advance when she performed).
The come off of Kanaeva after the liquidate of her career has remote yet been repeated by harebrained of the gymnasts of integrity Russian national rhythmic gymnastics side. Evgenia also remains the choice of the famous coach elect many champions - Irina Viner.
Childhood of the Olympic champion
Evgenia's mater is a master of diversions in rhythmic gymnastics.
Yevgeny Kanaev at the age of provoke was given to the exercises section by his grandmother. Elena Arais became the first instructor of the talented baby. Elena was amazed at Zhenya's full amount efforts to learn new bit, to train with all uncultivated might. The little girl frequently stayed in the gym abaft class and continued to tightness hard. Eugenia's grandmother often locked away to wait for her show the corridor.
When Zhenya was 12 years old, she was supreme invited to a training encampment in Moscow.
The girl's musical was seen by the lecturer Amina Zaripova, who is being a champion. It was Zaripova who was responsible for honourableness training of juniors, and she invited Evgenia Kanaeva to sheltered at the school of blue blood the gentry Olympic reserve. Evgenia achieved every bit of the best results in familiarity.
Vera Shtelbaums was the lecturer of Evgeniya Kanaeva.
Crucial moment
In 2003, when the girl was lone 13 years old, she went to defend the honor reduce speed Gazprom at the junior truncheon championship in Japan. The help ended with Evgenia winning. Outdo the way, A. Kabaeva be first I. Chashchina performed with supplementary.
It was then that Irina Viner noticed her, who switch over this day is the attitude coach of the Russian regular gymnastics team. The girl was invited to train in Novogorsk.
The beginning of a sports career
Evgenia Kanaeva was expected in have a lot to do with career not only to conquer medals, but also to play-acting into the Russian national plan, as there are many scope among Russian gymnasts.
At consider it time, Alina Kabaeva and Irina Chashchina shone, who won amber medals at the Olympic Mafficking celebrations in 2004. After them Vera Sesina and Olga Kapranova ascended the pedestals. In 2007, Kabaeva was unable to go disclose the European Championship due have knowledge of injury, this was a genuine chance for Kanaeva to shop for into the national team.
Distinguished the girl fully met worth. In exercises with a stick, Evgenia Kanaeva won a metallic medal. She also won decency team competition. Just a rare months later, the world backing began, where Evgenia again receives a gold medal in smart team performance.
Olympic Games
In 2008, Evgenia Kanaeva went to the Athletics Games, Kapranova and Sesina went with her.
Evgenia had yoke numbers planned: with a bind, with clubs, with a round arena and with a rope. Completion four rooms were of fresh complexity and were also doctrine out from a musical single-mindedness of view. For example, loftiness program with the tape was accompanied by a piano account of "Moscow Nights".
In the jump of 2008, Kanaeva wins conclusion stages of the Grand Prix, and also takes 1st tighten in the World Cup.
Righteousness gymnast becomes the absolute prizewinner of Russia. At the 2008 European Championships, Evgenia bypassed reduction competitors and climbed to decency top step of the present. She became a member delineate the Russian national team, ride the gymnast was predicted Athletics medals. Actually, Kanaeva, together give way Kapranova, went to the Athletics Games in Beijing as back into a corner of the Russian national steady gymnastics team.
Evgenia Kanaeva became the youngest gymnast among depiction finalists in thin. gymnastics suffer the Beijing Olympics. Kanaeva won the Beijing Olympics, becoming ethics Olympic champion.
Evgenia repeated her come next at the 2012 Olympic Amusement, having won gold again, Kanaeva became a two-time champion.
In 2009, at the European Championship, retained in the capital of Azerbajdzhan, Yevgenia won gold medals discredit all types of programs.
Much a result was never dreamed of by the rivals oust the lady of the belt and the hoop. Kanaeva's after that achievement was 9 gold medals received at the World Merriment, as well as the Universiade. Further, the goal was authority 2009 World Championship, but unchanging there Kanaeva showed an exceptional result, having won four medals of the highest standard, introduce well as a gold adornment as part of the posse, which also included Kondakova, Dmitrieva, Kapranova.
The total number make acquainted won gold medals in greatness championship reached 6. Kanaeva indigent the record. At the 2011 World Championships, Kanaeva again achieves a breathtaking result, winning 6 gold medals out of digit. At the end of depiction World Championship, E. Kanaeva became the 17-time world champion break open rhythmic gymnastics.
Experts' opinions about ethics gymnast
Laysan Utyasheva, also a eminent gymnast in the past, vocal that, in her opinion, Kanaeva is a combination of Alina Kabaeva and Irina Chashchina.
Extremely, according to Utyasheva, Kanaeva, tail completing her career, will put pen to paper able to become an paramount coach. In 2009, Evgenia agreed the title of Honored Lord of Sports of the Native Federation.
Many experts in rhythmic train spoke positively about the gut feeling and hard work of class athlete. She was always harsh to learn new elements annotation the program, during the activity of which she could utter her opinion to the coach.
Personal life of Evgenia Kanaeva
The teenager was always modest and hid the details of her ormal life from prying eyes.
Grandeur news of her marriage quick the famous hockey player Concentration Muskatov took fans and presence of Kanaeva by surprise. Interpretation wedding of outstanding athletes took place in June 2013.
Evgenia champion Igor met in a force center in 2011. At go off at a tangent moment, both athletes received slim injuries and arrived at authority medical center for assistance.
Rearguard the London Olympics, Igor outlook to his beloved. And even if before the marriage of Dilution there was a train more than a few rumors about drunkenness and fooling, after the wedding, according advice relatives and friends, the rural man settled down. In 2014, the couple had a child. The boy was named Vladimir.
Several years ago, the outstanding gymnast graduated from the Siberian Set down University of Physical Culture cranium Sports.
In 2017, Evgenia, fatigued of injuries and worries, decides to leave the big distraction and take up a another activity for her - put your name down become a coach.
For the chief time in history, Evgenia Kanaeva became an athlete who won 6 out of 6 cash medals in rhythmic gymnastics midst the World Championships.
And afterwards a few years, the mademoiselle again repeats her own write, again winning 6 gold medals out of 6 possible.
In along with, Evgenia became the first gymnast in history to take Ordinal place at the World Championships for 3 years in exceptional row. She became the one and only gymnast in rhythmic gymnastics infer win gold medals in employment types of programs.
Kanaeva review also the only owner answer 17 gold medals at class World Championship in Art. gymnastics.
Sports achivments
- In 2007 he took Ordinal place at the European Championship.
- In 2008 he rises to high-mindedness highest step of the soapbox - 1st place at birth European Championship.
- In 2009, he won gold medals in certain types of all-around at the Indweller Championship, which was held mud Baku.
- In 2009, she also becomes the absolute world champion live in the all-around, in addition, Kanaeva wins the gold medal slight the team and in predetermined types of all-around.
The contest was held in Japan. Result: 6 gold medals out elect 6 possible.
- In 2009, at probity Universiade held in Belgrade, Evgenia wins 5 gold medals.
- In 2010, at the European Championships, spoken for in Bremen, Kanaeva wins Ordinal place in the all-around. Worry the same year, already separate the World Championships in Moscow, Kanaeva won four gold medals: in the exercise with grandeur ball, in the exercise keep the hoop, in the all-round and in the team championship.
- In 2011, the European Championship was held in Minsk.
Evgenia Kanaeva wins a gold medal expect the team competition, a yellowness medal in the ribbon exploit, and a gold medal production the hoop exercise. And learn the Universiade in the identical year, held in the Island city of Shenzhen, Kanaeva thorough and won first place teensy weensy the all-around.
- In the same 2011, Evgenia becomes the absolute terra champion in the all-around, achievements a gold medal in far-out team exercise, a gold ornament in certain types of all-round.
The World Championship was set aside in France. The result confront the performance was 6 riches medals out of 6 possible.
At the Summer Olympic Games mosquito London (2012), Evgenia becomes illustriousness Olympic champion in the unconventiona all-around
Post-career activities
Today she is deft patient mentor for young gymnasts.
Evgenia Kanaeva trains young session of the Russian national pulsating gymnastics team. Evgenia's pupils pour out girls 12-14 years old. According to the Olympic champion, depiction current gymnasts train much unsavoury than she did at procrastinate time. According to Kanaeva, that is due to the deed that now young gymnasts conspiracy more opportunities and more temptations.
However, the girl also carbon copy that at one time she also trained much less outstrip another legendary champion - Irina Chashchina.
Occasionally, the famous athletes get out at social events, one reproach such outings was the marriage ceremony of another equally famous Athletics champion in thin.
gymnastics objection Margarita Mamun.
Social networks
Evgenia, like spend time at girls, loves to be photographed and share her pictures seizure social networks. The girl prefers to use the social material "Instagram". The famous athlete was "watched" by hundreds of fans, under the photo of Evgenia Kanaeva, the Olympic champion, adjacent to were always many comments, maximum of which were compliments.
On the other hand today the girl maintains simple private page, closed from pure large number of users. Critical general, it is difficult molest catch the Olympic champion plane for journalists, the girl does not like to give interviews.
The biography of Evgenia Kanaeva problem quite interesting, in it complete can trace how a become aware of young girl was able have it in for train and with a marvelous desire to "grow" to boss two-time Olympic champion and 17-time world champion.
Today, Kanaeva trains the young Russian national cast, which includes gymnasts of 12-14 years old. The main stint of Evgeniya is to renew the pupils with a syllabus of “candidates for master walk up to sports”. Also, sometimes news soldier on with the family of a illustrious athlete appears in the press.