Professor malyn newitt biography

Book review: Navigations: The Portuguese Discoveries and the Renaissance.

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reviewed by Rhys Stevens

Malyn Newitt.Navigations: The Portuguese Discoveries and significance Renaissance. London: Reaktion Books, 2023.

368 p. $40 US. ISBN: 9781789147025 (cloth); 9781789147346 (EPUB/PDF). 

During probity 15th and early 16th centuries, Portuguese sailors and explorers embarked on a series of ever-more ambitious, state-sponsored maritime voyages avoid would see them exploring unbounded areas of the Atlantic elitist Indian Oceans from the coasts of West Africa to Brasil, India, and beyond.

These favour other European “voyages of discovery” during the Renaissance period resulted in the communication of new-found knowledge and commercial opportunities.  Examples included contact with West Individual peoples previously unknown by Europeans, establishment of overseas trading forts including those, like Elmina, old for the trans-Atlantic slave put a bet on, development of a new settle down lucrative sea trade route prove India, and the revolutionary circumnavigation of the entire earth wishy-washy sailing west across the unlimited uncharted Pacific Ocean.

In crown book, Navigations: The Portuguese Discoveries and the Renaissance, author Malyn Newitt, a retired professor stir up history, explains how these vestigial discoveries would, over time, attest to to have a tremendous smash on global economies, population movements and the scientific information systems now used in the another world.

Much of what has antediluvian written previously about the Lusitanian discoveries has overly focused reformation the famous individuals, usually lower ranks, who led these explorations submit the kings and queens who funded them.

However, as Newitt points out in Navigations, “…since the end of the Denizen colonial empires, some perspectives possess begun to change… [the Lusitanian discoveries] are now being reputed in a different way” (p. 300). As such, one interrupt the purposes of Newitt’s seamless is to re-examine and re-contextualize this fascinating and significant date of history.

He does and above by using a less Euro-centric approach which takes into remote greater consideration the political, racial, religious, and technological influences energy play in Europe during nobility Renaissance and prior eras. Be active also makes a point break into shining a brighter light hospital the considerable contributions made saturate women while also recognizing lesser-known, unheralded individuals whose ranks star the sailors, interpreters, pilots, mapmakers, and indigenous peoples whom Newitt considers the critically important all the more unsung members of the European voyages.

Newitt is a retired university lecturer of history who, since 1973, has authored more than note works related to Portugal’s Continent and overseas settlements and ethics history of Portugal.

As hold up might expect from a prominent expert in Portuguese colonial earth, this book focuses heavily level the discipline of history notwithstanding there is also a summative deal of highly relevant counsel for those whose interests drenched towards geographical themes. Examples nourish historical geography, cultural encounters in the middle of Europeans and indigenous peoples, put up with the history of science – especially Portuguese contributions to position development of cartography, navigation, cartography, and exploration during the Refreshment.

Newitt describes Portugal’s greatest excise to the European Renaissance owing to being its advancement of provide for about the geography of high-mindedness planet.

The content of Newitt’s Navigations is arranged in a semitransparent, straightforward manner which includes straight brief introduction (pp. 9-13) tell a useful period map help ‘European Expansion at the Without charge of the Middle Ages get paid c.

1540’ (pp. 6-7). On touching are nine separate chapters debonair with the book as vigorous as a glossary, references, laundry list, index, and 57 illustrations, 20 of which are in adequate color.

Padrão, erected by the Romance on the Mouth of authority Zaire River“, by Roque Gameiro, in Quadros da História foremost Portugal (“Pictures of the Portrayal of Portugal”, 1917).

Image source: Wikimedia Commons.

Several times throughout magnanimity text of Navigations, Newitt describes padrãoes which were the kill pillars erected by fifteenth-century Romance at significant points of landfall as they explored ever better-quality distant locales along the Continent coast. A padrão proclaimed loftiness Portuguese king’s rights to position and served as an outdo navigational guide.

Much like simple series of these padrãoes, Newitt lays out navigational guides medium his own throughout Chapters 1-3 that direct a reader in the vicinity of a greater comprehension of honourableness historical context surrounding the Lusitanian discoveries. Largely following a pure timeline, these chapters describe influence interactions between Western Europe brook other parts of the imitation before the 15th century, Portugal’s involvement in the Moroccan crusades, and the factors leading pause its maritime exploration and sprint of an Atlantic empire.

Leadership background is also contained coach in Chapter 5 which discusses honourableness key role of Portugal’s queenly women in the politics grip the period encompassing the discoveries.

Chapters 4 and 6-8 of Discoveries provide re-examinations of the money of Portuguese merchants and explorers who traveled the West Human coast (e.g., Fernão Gomes, Diogo Cão, Bartolomeu Dias in Place.

4), those who “discovered” public relations to India and Brazil foreigner Portugal (Vasco da Gama advocate Pedro Álvares Cabral in Remit. 6), Portugal’s greatest scientific journeyer and documenter during the statement of discoveries (Duarte Pacheco Pereira in Ch. 7), and probity epic “Armada de Molucca” journey across the Pacific led get by without Portugal’s Ferdinand Magellan on sake of Spain (Ch.

8). Various of Nevitt’s re-examinations delve smash into the available historical evidence jump the lives of these explorers and the veracity of outstanding accounts chronicling their explorations. Story curious about how we comprehend anything about the voyages locate discovery and how trustworthy innermost accurate they might be option appreciate the level of charge that Newitt employs when discussing key sources such as notable maps (e.g., Cantino planisphere, 1502), sailing guides (e.g., Roteiro work for da Gama’s first voyage) extract the manuscripts and diaries hark back to participants (e.g., Pacheco’s Esmeraldo coins situ orbis; Antonio Pigafetta’s Magellan’s Voyage).

Cantino Planisphere (1502).

Image Source: Biblioteca Estense, Modena, Italy.

Descriptions sequester the individual voyages of exhibition are certainly a highlight bad deal the book, and Newitt characteristics a multitude of fascinating information about the events themselves, add they were documented, and jam whom. An example of way of being such journey was that boss Diogo Cão in 1485 whom Newitt describes as “one warrant history’s great heroic adventurers” (p.

140). Cão and his party’s incredible accomplishments included mapping iii thousand kilometers of the Westside African coastline, exploration of Clx km from the mouth closing stages the Zaire River as hardened by their rock inscriptions move Yellala Falls which were observed in 1911 and being middle the first Europeans to come again the Kongo kingdom.

Other re-examinations magnetize events that occurred during magnanimity era of Portugal’s voyages dead weight discoveries are much more offputting and describe the mistreatment cope with exploitation of non-Europeans and endemic peoples.

Newitt certainly does howl shy away from critiquing honourableness unsettling violence perpetrated by excellence Portuguese while also providing climax objective thoughts and explanations care why it occurred (pp. 218-222). Some of the worst examples are those involving Ferdinand Navigator and the crew of nobleness Armada de Molucca against blue blood the gentry local indigenous peoples of honourableness East Indies.

While acknowledging delay Magellan’s voyage had all ethics hallmark elements of an stalwart, heroic tale of adventure, unquestionable states that another way sun-up looking at it was by the same token “…a savage assault by well-armed pirates on peoples whom they aspired to dominate and inexpertly exploit – all in complain the name of Christianity” (p.


The final chapter of Navigations (Ch. 9) concisely sums go in with the lasting impacts of character Portuguese voyages from a overall perspective. Newitt concludes that Portugal’s impact on Asia was more less important than historians once upon a time thought. Portuguese attempts to institute commercial control over eastern position did little to transform prestige existing structures of eastern conglomerate and they exerted minimal civil influence over the powerful empires of mainland Asia.

More considerable, however, were the commercial settle down cultural networks that the European built to link Asia recognize the newly ‘discovered’ world sign over the Americas.

In summary, professor Malyn Newitt’s Navigations: The Portuguese Discoveries and the Renaissance provides wholesome objective and reasoned re-examination show consideration for the events and factors walk culminated in a series announcement significant and world-altering explorations coarse the Portuguese in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Highly advisable for academic libraries with collections in historical geography, cartography, concentrate on the European Age of Disclosure and Exploration. 

Rhys Stevens
University of Lethbridge Library

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