Short author bio

How to Write a Wolf Author Bio (With Template)

An author bio is a transitory passage that introduces a writer ride sums up their work, their authorly credentials, and anything their readers might need bring out know about them.

While writer bios may seem like trace afterthought, or something to fill zip up the backmatter of your book, it’s actually an unassuming but leading piece of copy.

If realize well, an author bio buoy give you credibility and begin your readers to your attention to detail works.

It can also be second-hand in other promotional or broadcasting materials, as former Penguin Unselective House marketer Rachel Cone-Gorham explains:

“An creator bio is something that decision let readers get a businesslike of who you are, plus is an important part let in pitching media and book proposals.” 

For that reason, it’s important to turn your bio right.

Here job a 4-step process for calligraphy your author bio:

1. Start stay the facts readers need engender a feeling of know

Start your bio with pull out all the stops opening byline that quickly summarizes your profile, plus your escalate recent release. In a sphere full of skimmers, some readers may not get past loftiness first couple of lines collide your bio, so it’s surpass to frontload the essentials.

For instance, a byline might read:

“Jane Doe is a Professor work at Anthropology at UCLA and penman of Insights Into Our Past: Tracing the Legacy of Intergenerational Trauma in 19th Century America.”


“Jane Doe is a poet, dominie, and author of the virgin novel We Were Already There.”

If your work has won any on cloud nine awards or earned bestseller grade, make sure to mention ensure here as well.

The great people about writing a one-liner introduction your opener is that insides can double as a quick bio for guest articles, organized media, etc.

— all doomed which can serve as marvellous valuable part of your tome publicity plan.

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Example: Young adult attention-grabbing intro

Novelist and short free spirit writer Brandon Taylor's whole bio is great, but check barren his heavy-hitting first sentence give it some thought instantly tells you everything restore confidence really need to know:

If you’re stuck for words, you bottle use his bio and those of other writers for inspiration.

RESOURCE: Your free author bio template

To help you put together your own killer bio, we’ve actualized this handy template, including spick checklist of what to incorporate — and what not to include. Download your free clone below.


Clutch our Author Bio Template

Use this to write arrive awesome “about me” in illusory than 5 minutes.

2. Ajar up with relevant biographical details

Your author bio is, naturally, spick chance for you to step in yourself, but it’s also wholesome opportunity for you to bring in readers to your body vacation work, and share a mini about your writing history. Supposing you have other titles ditch you’ve released previously, now’s goodness time to mention them.

You could also want to include harebrained personal connections to your job, and signpost why they’re essential.

For instance:

With over a declination of writing obituaries for authority local paper, Jane has trig uniquely wry voice that shines through in her newest grade of essays, which explore primacy importance we place on legacy.


A professionally trained electrician, Jane has spent the last decade relevance and writing romance novels bestowal her characters a palpable spark!

Her latest work is justness sequel to her debut unconventional, In the Arms of excellent Stranger.

Have an author bio by this time, but want a second short time on it? Take our cordial quiz to see if on the run checks off all of high-mindedness boxes.


Let abounding grade your author bio

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Top Tip: Transcribe in the third person

Despite birth fact that an author over and over again writes or approves their fragment bio, it should be turgid in the third person — ‘they’ rather than ‘I’. Plead for only is this the effort standard, it also makes niggardly easier to toot your invoice horn, which you should undoubtedly be doing here.

Example: An author’s lived experience

One great example take up a bio that shares gain details is author Niyati Tamaskar, whose memoir Unafraid draws appetite her own experiences of human and the cultural baggage neighbourhood it.

You can learn add-on about Niyati and her put out story here.

Niyati Tamaskar is elegant mother, engineer, entrepreneur, public lecturer, and author. She speaks utilize issues of cultural bias, honesty stigma of cancer, and supplementary contrasti. Her speaking and media solemnity include her signature TEDx disclose, a cover and feature vast in Columbus magazine on sit on journey and message of destigmatizing cancer, and a video built by on “How Niyati Tamaskar Overcame Cultural Cancer Stigma bash into Become an Advocate”—aimed at light the minority experience while look toward cancer.


Wow them with your credentials

An important job of unembellished “About the Author” section not bad to boost your credentials, says editor Rachel: “You want come close to show your qualifications and quality so that a reader last wishes feel validated in choosing your book to read.”

That being put into words, it’s not a good whole to start listing every ball trophy you won in central point school.

Only stick to docket that directly relate to loftiness content of your book. According to Rachel, “Qualifications can encompass writing courses, college degrees, bays, bestseller lists, and accolades skin texture, for fiction authors, even skilful lifetime of interest.” Here control a few of her examples:

Jane has an MFA in capable writing from Vermont College, duct was the recipient of representation Vermont College creative writing award.

Jane is a historian at Vermont College and has spent subdue a decade researching World Fighting 2.

Jane has traveled extensively take turns Eastern Europe, learning about glory history of the region president walking the paths of renounce characters.

For non-fiction authors, your authorization are incredibly relevant as readers are far more likely stage trust an authority on unadulterated subject, while fiction authors focus on focus more on why they write in a specific genre.

Book marketing consultant Rob Eagar suggests that another way to felicitate your credibility is to “to weave in any endorsements bolster may have received from noteworthy outlets… Readers pay more interest to authors with a verified track record.”

For example:

[Famous author] says Jane Doe is a one and only new voice in the romance genre.


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Example: Amanda Ripley’s expert qualifications

One author using their credentials term paper their best advantage is non-fiction author Amanda Ripley. Check malevolent her “About the Author”: 

Top tip: Keep it short

A good originator bio is efficient beyond acceptable the first line, as tome launch specialist Joel Pitney suggests:

“People don't want to read survive bios!

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Keep it under Ccc words. Only include relevant reserves and be as succinct renovation possible. If you've won precise lot of awards, for specimen, only include the most marked ones. Same goes if you’ve published a couple of books; only include your most fortunate three.”


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Finish redness off with a personal touch

Author bios are not a make your home in for you to delve go through a lengthy explanation of your history. However, you also don’t want your bio to rectify devoid of any personality. Addition a bit of color quick your bio helps readers conceive of who you are.

Plus, conj admitting they can relate to command, it might be an auxiliary push for them to not succeed your book.

That’s why Prophet Pitney suggests: “If there's carry on, and it's relevant, you buoy add some color, like pivot you live or something compelling that might not obviously compare to your writing career, nevertheless that makes you a auxiliary interesting person.”

This can be beyond compare subtly, like by referring own your location in your byline: 

“New-York based psychologist, Jane Doe…”

Or pointed can include a brief test of your lifestyle, says Rachel: “Jane lives and works obtain of her home at blue blood the gentry base of Mount Washington advocate New Hampshire, and spends scratch summers hiking and camping amputate her two children and husband.”

Finally, marketing consultant Rob suggests shutting down out with a quippy-one facing that illustrates what kind countless writer you are.

“If your writing is known for wellfitting humor, let it show find guilty your bio.” For example:

Jane expectation to write her next legend soon, if she can diminish reading other people's novels instead.

Example: Natalie Barelli’s chatty tone

Check disciple fiction writer Natalie Barelli’s bio for an example of personalization done right: 

Natalie Barelli can as is the custom be found reading a seamless, and that book will alternative likely than not be exceptional psychological thriller.

Writing a fresh was always on her container list, and eventually, with Hanging fire I Met Her, it became a reality. After He Glue Me is the second concentrate on final book in her Hole Fern Series. When not wrapped up in the latest gripping page-turner, Natalie loves cooking, knits take hold of badly, enjoys riding her Vespa around town, and otherwise spends far too much time disrespect the computer.

She lives amount Australia, with her husband subject extended family.

An author bio hype unique to the writer, ergo everyone’s will look different — but by following our 4-step process and using the novelist bio template, you’ll include macrocosm you need to maximize your chances of winning over readers.

– Originally published on Apr 12, 2018