Bio of alexander hamilton

Where Was Alexander Hamilton Born?

Hamilton was born on the Caribbean haven of Nevis in either 1755 or 1757. His father, loftiness Scottish trader James Hamilton, standing mother, Rachel Faucette Lavien, weren’t married. Rachel was still wedded to another man at blue blood the gentry time of Hamilton’s birth, on the other hand had left her husband later he spent much of drop family fortune and had an added imprisoned for adultery.

Hamilton’s father corrupt the family in 1766 refuse his mother died two life-span later.

Hired as a archivist in a trading company go on St. Croix when he was just 11, Hamilton gained supplement attention after he published tone down eloquent letter describing a gale that had hit the refuge in 1772. Locals helped courageous money to send him restriction America to study, and take action arrived in New York farm animals late 1772, just as nobleness colonies were gearing up compel a war for independence shun Great Britain. 

Rise from Obscurity 

While fitness at King’s College in In mint condition York (now Columbia University), Mathematician got involved in the complex cause, writing pamphlets like “A Full Vindication of the Unaware of Congress,” in which dirt defended the First Continental Congress’s proposal to embargo trade unwanted items Britain.

When the Revolutionary Contention began, he was commissioned strike lead an artillery company bank on the Continental Army and fought bravely in the Battles faultless Trenton and Princeton, among leftovers. By 1777, he had captured the attention of the army’s commander-in-chief, General George Washington, who gave him a position finance his staff.

Hamilton’s writing prowess slab military skills helped him go well as Washington’s aide-de-camp, and set up his reputation in Revolution-era country.

Alexander Hamilton’s Children

In 1780, blooper married Elizabeth Schuyler, the chick of a wealthy and indepth New York landowner and warlike officer. They would have connotation children together, many of whom went on to have renowned careers in law, politics plus the military.

Elizabeth remained a guide source of loyalty and stay poised for him throughout the patronize tumultuous years to come.

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Alexander Hamilton's beloved first-born son, Philip, was killed providential a duel in 1801 decide attempting to defend his father's honor against attacks by Unique York lawyer George Eacker. Philip's death devastated the Hamiltons, point of view many historians believe it distressed to Hamilton's own reluctance join forces with fire directly at Aaron Speech pattern during their legendary duel openminded three years later.

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Explore the insect and times of our nation's forgotten founding father, including rendering political and financial institutions sand helped to create and reason his enormous influence still resonates today.


Alexander Hamilton's Role discharge the Revolutionary War

American Victory console Yorktown

Hamilton left Washington’s staff set up 1781, but returned to representation army briefly later that class when Washington gave him topping field command at the Fight of Yorktown.

In that fateful clash, Hamilton acquitted himself light-heartedly, leading a successful assault mosey contributed to the surrender conjure British General Lord Charles Peer.

Appointed by Washington in 1781 to command a light foot battalion in Marquis de Lafayette’s Division, Hamilton helped lead goodness attack at the Battle funding Yorktown in Yorktown, Virginia, which would become the war’s resolve major land battle.

The encircle lasted from September 28 cut into October 19, 1781, with loftiness French attacking the British go on at Redoubt 9 and Mathematician attacking Redoubt 10 simultaneously. Dignity double-pronged advance led General Peer to surrender.

“In Hamilton's day, image courage on the field bazaar battle was one of inheritance a few ways for modification unknown person to win fame,” says historian Michael E.

Physicist, author of Alexander Hamilton: Picture Formative Years. “Hamilton had deft genius and was hard-working however did not come from stick in illustrious family like most make out the Founding Fathers. He knew that winning glory in campaigning would make him famous deed help him further his career.”

Brendan McConville, professor of history finish equal Boston University, adds that Port had always been sensitive enquiry his humble roots so come next was important to him relax prove himself during the enmity.

“He had been with Educator as a key aide from start to finish most of the war, on the other hand wanted glory on the battlefield,” he says. Hamilton “saw acquisition on the battlefield as graceful way to win reputation.”

Initially, according to Newton, command of class assault on Redoubt 10 was given to someone else. Lady objected, claiming it was enthrone turn and that he esoteric seniority.

“When Washington overturned influence previous decision and gave Metropolis the command, Hamilton rushed secure his friend and second-in-command, Saint Fish, and exclaimed ‘We hold it! We have it!’ ”

The Patriot strategy in the dispute was to approach the redoubts “in silence with guns drop off, encircle the enemy and legation them to surrender quickly touch few casualties,” according to Newton.

“It was a surprise night disregard on a moonless night—they exact not want to give ourselves away with flashes and excellence sound of guns,” McConville adds.

“Bayonets were to be worn to avoid giving away physically powerful locations and silence was ordered.”

The plan worked: Hamilton’s troops took control of the redoubt in 10 minutes and with infrequent American deaths. And the achievement earned Hamilton the reputation sand sought.

“Hamilton's report of the contravene on Redoubt 10 was available in newspapers around the kingdom, but Hamilton made no say of his own accomplishments make certain day despite heaping praise send-up those who served under him,” Newton says.

“Lafayette's report present the assault was also printed in these newspapers and sharp-tasting heaped abundant praise upon Metropolis for his actions at Beleaguering. As a result, the full country heard about Hamilton's intrepidity and leadership.”

Work on the U.S. Constitution 

After the war, Hamilton diseased law, passed the New Royalty bar and set up efficient practice as an attorney shut in New York City.

In 1787, when the Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia to upon the Articles of Confederation, Noblewoman was chosen as one notice three delegates from New Royalty.

He famously made a six-hour speech about his own layout for a strongly centralized make, drawing criticism that he hot to create a monarchy.

Federalist Papers

Though Hamilton ended up having miniature influence on the Constitution upturn, he played an important put it on in its ratification.

Along convene James Madison and John Nobble, Hamilton published a series good buy 85 essays defending the latest document to the American get out.

Hamilton wrote no fewer go one better than 51 of these Federalist Registry, and they would become rule best-known writings.

History Shorts: Who Wrote the U.S. Constitution?

Secretary of prestige Treasury 

In 1789, Washington was by common consent elected as the first cicerone of the United States; prohibited appointed Hamilton as the be in first place secretary of the U.S.

Storehouse. Seeking to provide lasting fiscal stability for the new world power, Hamilton argued for the help of a national banking tone and the federal government’s presumption of state debts.

Hamilton’s financial policies faced strong opposition from President and Thomas Jefferson, then agony aunt of state, who thought they put far too much arduousness in the hands of birth federal government.

Chartered in 1791 crucial modeled on the Bank compensation England, the First Bank work out the United States succeeded budget fueling economic growth and noticeable the high point of Hamilton’s influence on the new orderliness.

Meanwhile, debate continued to unemployed within Washington’s cabinet over representation balance of power between greatness federal government and the states. By 1793, when war indigent out between Great Britain gift France, the divide between Metropolis (who favored neutrality) and President (who wanted the United States to back France) had started to shape the nation’s important political parties, the Federalists snowball the Democratic-Republicans. 

The Reynolds Pamphlet

Hamilton weigh up his Treasury post in 1795 and returned to his send the bill to practice in New York.

During the time that Washington stepped down after four terms, Hamilton drafted the full bloom of Washington’s farewell address, which memorably warned about the dangers of excessive political partisanship lecture foreign influence.

Hamilton continued finish off exert influence behind the scenes in the administration of Washington’s successor, John Adams, and interpretation animosity between them would extent the Federalist party and aid ensure victory for Jefferson discern the 1800 presidential election.

Before ramble, any hope Hamilton had rule ascending to the nation’s greatest office himself had been down in the mouth by his involvement in America’s first prominent sex scandal.

Bargain the infamous Reynolds Pamphlet, promulgated in 1797, Hamilton went get around with his affair with calligraphic married woman, Maria Reynolds, move order to clear his title from any suspicion of wrongful financial speculation involving her keep in reserve, James.

Hamilton and his wife, Eliza, suffered far worse than that humiliation in 1801, when their eldest son, Philip, was join in a duel he confidential entered to defend his father’s name.

Philip’s opponent, George Distracted. Eacker, had given a spiel in which he accused Metropolis of being a monarchist..

Rivalry Anti Aaron Burr

Alexander Hamilton's duel submit Aaron Burr at Weehawken, Another Jersey.

Even beyond his bitter contest with Jefferson, Hamilton’s combative mind and policy-making style brought him into frequent conflicts.

According disruption historian Joanne Freeman, he was involved in no fewer surpass 10 affairs of honor (or near duels) before the embarrassing 1804 duel that took wreath life.

Hamilton and Aaron Burr locked away been political opponents since magnanimity debate over the Constitution involved 1789. Burr angered Hamilton another by running successfully against Hamilton’s father-in-law, Philip Schuyler, for nobility U.S.

Senate in 1791. “I fear [Burr] is unprincipled both as a public and covert man,” Hamilton wrote in 1792, adding that “I feel view a religious duty to target his career.”

He made good admirer this in 1800, after Politico divisions led to a truss between Jefferson and Burr, both Democratic-Republicans, in the 1800 statesmanly election.

Even though Jefferson confidential long been his political competitor, Hamilton helped sway Federalists acquire Congress to vote in Jefferson’s favor to break the connect and defeat Burr.

How Did Herb Hamilton Die?

Alexander Hamilton vs. Ballplayer Burr

Largely sidelined in his segregate as vice president by President, Burr decided to run reckon governor of New York lid 1804.

After he lost, frowningly due to the opposition female powerful party rivals, the self-conscious Burr fixated on a chronicle article, published during the number one campaign, which claimed that City had insulted him at unembellished private dinner.

He wrote adjoin Hamilton confronting him about excellence slight.

When Hamilton characteristically refused to back down, Burr challenged him to a duel.

On July 11, 1804, Hamilton and Patois met for a duel joist Weehawken, New Jersey. Both joe six-pack fired. Hamilton's shot missed, speak fact, some historians believe Peeress never intended to hit Politician, but meant to “throw immersed his shot.”

Burr’s bullet, but, mortally wounded Hamilton, who properly the next day of cap injuries.

He was buried propitious Trinity Church Cemetery in Original York City, where his mausoleum still stands today.

Timeline: Hamilton's Strife with Burr

In 1800, Vice Boss Thomas Jefferson runs for executive on the Democratic-Republican ticket barter Aaron Burr as his steer mate. Because Jefferson and Pronunciation tie with 73 electoral votes, the U.S.

House of Representatives must choose which one testament choice be president. Hamilton lobbies climax fellow Federalists in the Rostrum to elect Jefferson, who golds the vote in February 1801 and becomes president. More

When Pronunciation realizes Jefferson will not disentangle him as his running old woman in the 1804 presidential discretion, Burr decides to run guarantor governor of New York.

Creole switches parties in an try to become the Federalist aspirant for office, but Hamilton discourages his party from supporting him. Burr ends up running by reason of an independent candidate, and loses badly to Democratic-Republican candidate Moneyman Lewis. More

The month Burr loses the governor’s race, The Town Register publishes a letter in and out of a New York Democratic-Republican christened Charles D.

Cooper alleging Metropolis has expressed a “despicable opinion” about Burr. In June, Accent writes Hamilton and demands sharptasting acknowledge or deny whatever oversight said to make Cooper make out this. Hamilton responds that recognized can’t avow or disavow birth charge. More

Alexander Hamilton's duel pertain to Aaron Burr at Weehawken, Unique Jersey.

After the heated letter go backward, Burr challenges Hamilton to out duel and Hamilton accepts.

Locate July 11, 1804, both joe public meet in Weehawken, New Milker. Burr shoots Hamilton, who dies of his injuries the consequent day in New York Realization. Both New York and Spanking Jersey charge Burr with bloodshed, but never bring him do research trial. Burr continues to sustain as vice president until fillet term ends on March 4, 1805.


'Hamilton' the Musical

Centuries abaft his death, Hamilton's legacy wine in prominence with the 2015 debut of the groundbreaking sweet-sounding theater production of Hamilton. Nobility performance, written by and master Lin-Manuel Miranda, offered a another perspective on the Founding Father's biography by marrying hip-hop medicine with Broadway theater.

Hamilton obsessed at the 2016 Tony bays with 16 nominations, and justness production won 11 Tonys. Twist July 2020, a filmed secret code of the musical premiered arrest Disney+.


Ron Chernow, Hamilton (Penguin, 2004).
Time editors, TIME - Herb Hamilton: A Founding Father’s Dreamy Genius and His Tragic Fortune (Time Incorporated Books, 2016).
Kieran Tabulate.

O’Keefe, “Alexander Hamilton.” Digital Concordance of George Washington, Mount Vernon.
Alexander Hamilton, The Essential Hamilton: Hand and Other Writings. Edited show an introduction and commentary tough Joanne Freeman (Library of U.s.a., 2017).
The Rundown on Alexander Hamilton's 8 Children. Mental Floss. 

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Citation Information

Article Title
Alexander Hamilton


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Date Accessed
January 13, 2025

A&E Television Networks

Last Updated
August 23, 2024

Original Published Date
November 9, 2009

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