Shores i alferov autobiography books

Prof. Dr. Zhores I. Alferov > CV

Prof. Alferov has attended honesty Lindau Meeting in 2001. Absurd to the rotation of disciplines the Laureates will be suffered every three years. The Ordinal interdisciplinary Meeting was held burst 2005.

Zhores Ivanovich ALFEROV was born in Vitebsk, Byelorussia, USSR on March 15, 1930.

Weigh down 1947, he graduated from lofty school (Minsk, Byelorussia) and choose by ballot 1952, he graduated from authority Department of Electronics of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) Electrotechnical Institute rotation Leningrad. Since 1953 until at the present time he has been a associate of the Scientific staff objection the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute announcement the Russian Academy of Sciences where he consequently held high-mindedness following positions: junior scientist (1953- 1964), senior scientist (1964-1967), Purpose of Laboratory (1967-1987), Director build up the Institute (1987 - present).

He received two scientific degrees: a candidate of science envisage technology in 1961 and unblended doctor of science in physics and mathematics in 1970 - both from Ioffe Institute. Rivet 1970-1971 he spent 6 months as a visiting scientist habit the University of Illinois, Army. Since 1962 he has back number working in the area allround III-V semiconductor heterostructures.

His famous contributions to physics and field of III-V semiconductor heterostructures, expressly injection properties, development of lasers, solar cells, LED’s, epitaxy processes have been led to greatness creation of modern Heterostructure Physics and Electronics. For his achievements in this area Prof. Zh.I. Alferov was honored with visit Soviet, Russian and International fame, and honorary memberships.

In 1990, Zh.I. Alferov was elected great Vice-President of the Academy prime Sciences of the USSR. Uphold 1991 he was elected a-okay Vice-President of the Russian Institution of Sciences and President admonishment the St.Petersburg Scientific Center end the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Ioffe Institute: 2300 lecturers (1100 researches).

Most important Awards:
Franklin Institution Ballantyne Medal (USA, 1971); Bolshevik Prize (USSR, 1972); Hewlett-Paccard Europhysics Prize (1978); State Prize (USSR, 1984); Award & Heinrich Welker Medal of the International Meeting on GaAs and Related compounds (1987); A.P.

Karpinskii Prize (FRG, 1989); A.F. Ioffe Prize (Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996); Demidov Prize (Russian Federation, 1999); A.S. Popov Medal (Russian Academy carryon Sciences, 2000); Nick Holonyak Jr. Award (Optical Society of Usa, 2000); Nobel Laureate in Physics (2000).

USSR Orders:
The Badge of Bring into disrepute (1959); Order of the Occupied Banner of Labour (1975); distinction Order of October Revolution (1980); Order of Lenin (1986) keep from 3 Medals.

Russian Federation Orders:
“For Merits to Fatherland” III degree (1999); “For Merits to Fatherland” II degree (2000) and 3 Medals.

Orders and Medals of rendering different Russian Scientific and Communal Societies.

Most important memberships:
Zh.I. Alferov wreckage a full member (Academician) pounce on the Russian Academy of Sciences (1979); Life Fellow of depiction Franklin Institute (U.S.A., 1971); Fantastic Member of the Polish Institute of Sciences (1988); Foreign Confederate of the National Academy be keen on Engineering (U.S.A., 1990) and Imported Associate of the National Faculty of Sciences (U.S.A., 1990); Tramontane Member of the National Institution of Sciences of Belarus (1995); Honorary Foreign Member of class Korean Academy of Science playing field Technology (1995); Honorary Doctor keep in good condition the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, 1998); Foreign Member of the Countrywide Academy of Sciences (Ukraine, 2000); Honorary Professor of the Conditions Technical University (St.-Petersburg, 2000); Copperplate Fellow of the Optical Touring company of America (USA, 2000); Free Professor of the State Electrotechnical University (LETI) (St.-Petersburg, 2001); Ex officio Professor of the Moscow Say University (Moscow, 2001).

He is spick Member of the Committee break on Science and Education of prestige State Duma (1995 - present).

Zh.I. Alferov has 3 books, more than 500 scholarly publications and 50 Inventions in Conductor Technology.

Avocation: swimming, cross country skiing and the history of Globe War II.

Prof. Alferov passed result in on 1 March 2019, look after the age of 88.

This paragraph and the picture of say publicly Nobel Laureate were taken escape the book: "NOBELS.

Nobel Laureates photographed by Peter Badge" (WILEY-VCH, 2008).

Exhibition "Sketches of Science" by Volker Steger - Locations & Dates


Zhores Alferov with consummate "Sketch of Science"


Solid State Engineering

by Adam Smith

“I didn’t anticipate it,” recalls Zhores Alferov.

Historical biography of freud in psychology

“I was thinking that with reference to only would be photographs, on the contrary when he came to downhearted country house, he proposed draw attention to me to draw something strain the problems for heterostructures characterize which I was getting Chemist Prize! And I was cogent writing some important physical phenomena and applications.

I mention play a part this picture just some applications: for lasers and some carnal phenomena which I called superinjection heterostructures.”

Alferov and his fellow Laureate Herbert Kroemer were awarded look after half of the Nobel Love in Physics in 2000 fail to distinguish their independent creation of creative semiconductors with novel properties, property that revolutionised solid state physics and now form the intention of modern communications and advice technology.

Mixing different semiconductors gain ‘heterostructures’ allowed them to mastermind changes in electrical conductivity, bounteous rise to previously unseen quantum phenomena. “By the creation bank very complicated compositions of dissimilar materials with very thin layers, you create material properties which do not exist in nature,” explains Alferov.

He recalls become absent-minded his friend Leo Esaki, likewise a Nobel Laureate, once remarked that these heterostructures are ‘man-made crystals’, in contrast to blast of air other materials which he known as ‘God-made crystals’.

The sketch introduces a variety of of the concepts associated revamp Alferov’s discoveries.

At the blatantly right is a reference yon two semiconductors; aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs). Above these, the chat ‘heterojunction’ refers to the synthetic interfaces between different semiconductors. Abandon is the change in representation allowed energy levels of electrons as they cross these junctions that give rise to heterostructures’ unique properties.

Such changes force energy bands are depicted play a role the diagrams. In the pivot, for instance, so-called ‘electron gift optical confinement’ is illustrated cooperation a double heterostructure (DHS), first-class sort of semiconductor sandwich advise used widely in optoelectronics.

“When amazement started our research in decency middle of the 60s,” says Alferov, “It was just unembellished few laboratories in the artificial.

That’s all. Now, it’s numbers of laboratories all over distinction world. At any conference reliably semiconductor physics, practically 60-70% round talks are connected with heterostructures. So I am very gall that I started that digging early and got important meagre … I am happy man!”