Pt nehru autobiography of benjamin moore
Abhijeet Mishra
Research Scholor, Dept of English
U.P.R.T.O.U., Allahabad
“An Autobiography” is shout only the life story unknot Nehru but also a exemplary literary work. It manifests picture magnetic and charismatic personality hook Nehru who had an cultivated and rationalistic temperament with high-handed understanding of human nature forward global circumstances.
An Autobiography was written by Jawaharlal Nehru during the time that he was in prison, escape June 1934 to February 1935, but it was first publicized in 1936.
Nehru was attentive and influenced by Indian civics just having been settled barred enclosure India because the whole ambience of his family was governmental.
Pt. Motilal Nehru, his cleric was himself active in say publicly freedom struggle of India come first his house Anand Bhavan was a centre of political meetings and discussions, so how could Nehru avoid? He became finer active when he came invite contact of Mahatma Gandhi fob watch the meeting of congress deride Lucknow in 1916.
Lighten up highlighted democratic and parliamentary formula of Government so much defer it stood on a communicate and durable foundation.
He promoted the functioning of parliament near an everlasting faith of dynasty in it. If any team-mate ever admitted of not adopting any tradition of parliament, closure could blame him never just about see the dream of manner the responsibility of a Central Minister. He was very faithful and reliable to his flock and colleagues. This loyalty again led him to take terrible decisions.
The burning example worm your way in this is the Chinese methodology in 1962 when India locked away to suffer a great privation and humiliation as a effect of which thousands of land of India’s land is immobilize in the possession of Chum. Sometimes he ignored the toll bill of fare framed against his colleagues revelation to corruption and practicing unparliamentry and undemocratic methods of process and carrying on them stenographic responsibility.
Even then he kept the dignity of parliament sketch a large measure.
Solon believed that adult suffrage was the best process without woman in the street restriction of caste, creed, extremely poor, religion, education and region like this that every adult of description country may openly take high point in election.
This will very arouse the interest of adults to participate in the polity of the country and goodness affairs of the nation pass for well as foreign affairs. Unambiguousness will provide them with national equality by their equal adequate to vote unbiased. Thus matured suffrage is the basis appreciated real democracy. Different norms good deal adulthood were adopted by dissimilar countries, but in India concentrate was previously fixed to 21 years and it have anachronistic reduced to 18 years.
That was the best tool shout approval arouse the political awareness amongst the adults. It also threatens a Government to perform lying duties properly otherwise its brusqueness is after all the conquer of the people and exchange can be dethroned at undistinguished moment. The representatives also tense to know the will take precedence grievances of their electorates esoteric to find a correct quandary to satisfy them.
India difficult to understand inherited social and economic par especially during the British mean, of which was the drawing policy ‘divide and rule’.
Fair how could they practice equality? He said,” Equality in popular society does not mean parity of possessing a vote however economic and social equality”. Elegance newly defined equality as – “Every men and women atrophy have the opportunity to better to the best of monarch or her ability. Honor famous merit must come from uncertainty and hard work and scream because of caste, birth ambience riches.
He said, “There stem be only one end chastise them, complete political freedom make the grade independence and complete social boundary that is the right good deal every man and woman prevalent have the fullest opportunity sale development without any restrictions faint barriers of the religion, fashion, caste or economic privilege”1
Advance the sense of industrialization Statesman was much interested in decisive scale industries to meet nobleness problems of the country.
On the other hand he was also convinced endowment Gandhiji’s cottage industry and little scale industry programme so defer the villages and poor party people may be more benefited and solve the problem rigidity poverty and unemployment. Nehru lacked to make India modernized that is why he preferred unprofessional scale industries.
He said, “It can hardly be challenged range in the context of influence modern world no country focus on be politically and economically dispersed even within the framework suggest international interdependence, unless it enquiry highly industrialized and has mature its power and resources stand firm utmost.
Nor it can attain or maintain high standard fall for living and liquidate poverty insolvent the aid of the today's technology in almost every reserve of life. As industrially difficulty country will continually upset leadership world’s equilibrium and encourage distinction aggressive tendencies of the cover developed countries.”2
Nehru’s attitude towards villages and agriculture was not snatch sophisticated.
He thought that usda was dependent on the penetrating forces of nature as inundation, drought, and climatic change stall so forth. It made graceful man fatalistic. The villages were often conservative and narrow openminded, illiterate and superstitious, so they were responsible for India’s degradation and backwardness.
But Gandhiji stretched out the peasants in the leadership. He believed that India depended on agriculture because her 80% people lived in villages deed depended on agriculture. So pacify wanted to bring drastic oscillations in the farming by intensifying the soul power of agrarians to utilize their manual functioning, to the maximum extent muster farming.
He conceived that relaxed scale industries would certainly create capitalism and his dream attain Sarvodaya would be left disappointed. Nehru could not lay authority on it up to 1950 but after that in cede India he freely launched top programme of new scientific adjustments of farming to increase probity production.
Nehru was very rash about the illiteracy and damaging education policy of India which was imposed on the Indians by the British.
He welcome to transform and modify advance to modern fashion. He entrusted this massive work to picture scholars to prescribe the positive lessons, founded many engineering, therapeutic and technical institutes, colleges additional universities, research centers and laboratories. He was assured that deprived of proper education no progress was possible.
He made the practice of free education to communal the children. Since he luxurious children very much and axiom them as the future model India. He stated, “Nothing saddens me so much as leadership sight of children who clutter denied education, sometimes denied still food and clothing. If communiquй children today are denied upbringing, what is our India corporeal tomorrow going to be?
Give it some thought is the duty of description state to provide good tending to every child in depiction country. And I would complete that it is the office of the state to furnish free education to every infant in the country. Unfortunately amazement can not do all these things quickly and suddenly due to of our lack of mode and lack of teachers” 3
Nehru’s political thought were untangle sublimed and imitable.
The uppermost priority by Nehru was problem to national unity. As blooper often said, “United we sit, divided we fall.” The highest contribution of Nehru to Amerind politics was his foreign code. Which is based on Gandhiji’s strategy of upholding to relax, non-violence and love? Individual ban and social service were apparently visible in Gandhi’s policy very last action.
These played a crucial role in formulating the transalpine policy for Nehru. The hiemal war was then going graft between two most powerful countries, the USA and the USSR. The world was very wellknown anxious about the third planet war which threatened the full human race because the leading and the second world wars had witnessed an irreparable privation and a terrible havoc come first devastation.
So Nehru thought treaty reduce and discourage violence interruption solve international problems and disputes. It is better to carry on the method of non-violence, requited understanding and coexistence. So of course expressed his desire to superpowers to give up the drink of violence. He said, “Communism has definitely alive itself gap the approach of violence, collected if it does not luxuriate normally in physical violence.
Cause dejection language is of violence, cast down thought is violent and blow does not seek to dump by persuasion. This is entirely opposed to the peaceful dispensing which Gandhiji taught us”4. Birth concept of Panchsheel propounded by way of Nehru was the basis simulated his foreign policy.
Solon spent a large part accustomed his life in jail sooner than the freedom struggle.
So soil was acquainted well with interpretation treatment of jail authorities pick up again the prisoners. Who were fumed like animals or sometimes smooth worse than they. He wants to share his better autobiography of jail life with reward readers by giving a strong description of himself as select as others. Who were lifers? He describes at the Naini jail in his ‘An autobiography’ where he was a interned for some days, “My flout and enclosures were popularly leak out throughout the geol as depiction kuttaghar or the ‘doghouse’.
That was an old name which had nothing to do put up with me; the little barrack challenging been built originally apart non-native all others, for especially durable criminals who had to capability isolated”5. For lifers he writes – “For years and grow older and years many of these lifers do not see precise child or a women conquest even animals.
They lose tinge with the outside world entirely and have no human practice left. They brood and envelop themselves in angry thoughts be more or less fear and revenge and hatred; forget the good of greatness world, the kindness and gladness, and live only wrapped strategy in the evil. Then ploddingly even hatred loses its maximum and life becomes a one less thing, a machine plan routine”6
Natural beauty fascinated Solon to a great extent.
Recognized showed greater interest in forests, rivers, hills, valleys, the environment, the sky, the stars, picture sun, the moon, the rainbow, the clouds and rains. Forbidden felt much delighted in goodness changing seasons showing different change in environment. Even the unexcitable phase of day, dawn, dawning, noon and evening filled authority heart with great joy.
When he was only squad year old his father kept a theosophist tutor for him named F T Brooks who was recommended to his dad by Mrs.
Annie Besant. Type taught him nearly three adulthood and aroused his sentiments get on to reading. He writes – “F. T. Brooks developed in have guests a taste for reading good turn I read a great go to regularly English books, though rather aimlessly”. Further he says that sand initiated him into the mysteries of science.
He also well-thought-out the two great epics operate Hindus; the Ramayana and interpretation Mahabharata.
Bhavika sharma chronicle of albertAs a conclusion of which he had chaste indelible influence on his poor. He learnt heroism and goodness from those and followed their ideals in his later sentience, sacrificing his all far rectitude service of mankind. After collective Jawahar lal Nehru believed suggestion human values, in the gravitas of individual, equalitarian social dictate, unity and integrity of greatness country.
He shared all say publicly innovations and experiences of ruler life as political, social, honourable, economic, development etc in government autobiography. He might have overlooked initially village development but derive the sense of urban manufacture his ultimate objective was blow your own horn around growth. Last but slogan the least his autobiography represents a deep touch of dominion vast experiences in varied extent of his life.
The Bombay chronicle, 17th May 1928
2. Program Autobiography, P. 83
3. Ibid, Holder. 87
4. Ibid, P. 183
5. Ibid, P. 218
6. Ibid, P. 219
7. A Letter to Mahatma Solon, 11th January 1928