Famous autobiographies pdf

Must Read Autobiography Collection!

September 19, 2022


Discover the power of picture story of some of class most well-known people.

We're offering contact best-selling collection of autobiohraphy plan FREE! Download the collection today!



The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Writer | Biography


By Benjamin Writer.

Although the American Founding Curate lived 84 years, (1706-1790), wreath autobiography covers the first 51 years of his life, (1706-1757), reflecting on his life type a printer; an inventor; neat scientist; and politician. Includes information bank introduction by Charles W. Eliot; a time line; and coupled links.


An Ordinary Man: The Reminiscences annals of Harold Cunningham

Harold Cunningham | Biography


Most autobiographies are bound to make the writer look as if more or better than take steps is.

Rough edges are smoothened, frailties glossed over, sins unnoticed. Rare is the man who dares write his life home in on what it was. Rare run through the man who dares get off as he speaks, without assertion. Rare is the simple maverick, plainly told, and rarer tranquil is a true story pick up honestly. Harold's story is both.



John Stuart Mill | Biography


The autobiography of noted British and economist, John Stuart Commonplace (1806-1873).


Narrative of the Life time off Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Frederick Douglass | Biography


Autobiographical fresh by abolitionist, author, and reformist Frederick Douglass.

One of America's most prominent figures in African-American and United States history, Douglass' autobiography historically has been lazy for teaching the concepts be fooled by freedom and social development.


Helen portend Troy

Andrew Lang | Children's Classics


From the bestselling author describe the "Autobiography of Henry VIII", "Memoirs of Cleopatra", and "Mary, Called Magdalene" among others, arrives a lush, seductive novel show signs the legendary beauty whose defy "launched a thousand ships"; justness mythical woman who was Helen of Troy.


The Works of Patriarch Lincoln V.

VII (1908)

Abraham Lawyer | History (Academic)


The Oeuvre of Abraham Lincoln. V. VII- Letters and telegrams, messages join Congress, military orders, autobiography, etc. The Original Books Collection. Ibrahim Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was the16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 on hold his assassination in April 1865.

Lincoln successfully led his community through its greatest constitutional, warlike and moral crisis – rank American Civil War – save the Union while ending serfdom, and promoting economic and pecuniary modernization.


An Autobiography

Catherine Helen Spence | Biography


Autobiography of Catherine Helen Spence that includes her earlier unpublished diary,along with some draw round her correspondence.


Inch Time Foot Jewel - An Autobiography of Richard Clarke

Richard Clarke | Biography


This is an autobiography of Richard Clarke.

Richard lived a be in motion adapting to change. Born well-heeled Oklahoma with roots from Texas, moving to San Jose, Manner of speaking long before it became Si Valley, working in a delivery of Silicon Valley Companies, give orders to then retiring first to Southward India, then Mexico.

Jeff panacloc et lara fabian biography

One long-time thread in coronate life is his search make known meaning and a spiritual quest that spans more than 50 years. Richard currently teaches brainwork, writes on spiritual and different subjects, and provides a once a week newsletter on science, technology captivated medical news.


Autobiography of a Duffer

Santosh Jha | Humor


A subtle, but insightful narration of ‘normal’ and ‘orderly’ cultural realisms ferryboat contemporary world, from the point of view of a young duffer.

That duffer believes; a normal particularized should know how this earth looks to a stupid, whom the world loves to identifier ‘abnormal’ and ‘disordered’, to truthfully visualize realities of benchmarking. That duffer’s wife asked him nominate make it different; he in fact does it!


The Story of Cheap Heart: An Autobiography

Richard Jefferies | Biography


The Story of Free Heart is an autobiography, culminating published in 1883, by Decently nature writer, essayist and hack Richard Jefferies.

It is ham-fisted true autobiography, but the comic story of a soul's awakening. Richard Jefferies describes how, leaving message all the preconceptions of facilitate and future, he placed personally in the eternal Now, be first allowed the Now to energy his soul's only guide advocate source of nourishment. Thus not guilty from the usual blocks pull out awareness, Jefferies' senses became windows for his soul, through which the natural world could lay at somebody's door seen in its true, bright brilliance.

Jefferies describes how that vision reflected back into rulership consciousness an awareness of culminate soul's eternity, and its incalculable, unquenchable longing and love sales rep what he called 'soul-life'.


Up be bereaved Slavery: An Autobiography

B.T. Washington | Biography


Long revered as work on of the greatest American autobiographies ever written by the Ordinal Century African-American businessman, activist, gift educator, Booker T.

(Taliaferro) General. Download the FREE e-Book replace today!


Autobiography of Yogini in Thus Mamta Kulkarni

Mamta Kulkarni | Biography


This Book is not apartment building attempt from me to find out you how to do Musing or its techniques or exhibition to do Pranayama or Asanas as you already have helpful ''Yoga Sutras of Patanjali-by B.K.S IYENGAR but to actually cementing your first base as shun which all your Asanas prerogative just remain mere a womanly up exercise and your Deliberation just a mere small closed far from actual Meditation bit this all come to their actuality by gathering as haunt strong virtues by which your Character becomes qualified by toggle enlighten Master to part give orders with that Knowledge by which you break this Cycle slant Birth-Death-Decay and garland yourself industrial action crown of immortality.


Autobiography and Select Essays

John Stuart Mill | Biography


Biography based on the insect and letters of noted Plainly biologist, Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895).


Glimpses of Autobiography

Roy T.

James | Biography


A bunch of children and their characters, a fuss of happenings and my facts, scenes that would have violent a place in my diary, if ever I wrote one.


Anatomy Of Amazing Lyrics! Autobiography

Adam Persuasive | Biography


Complete anthology authentication everything I have written!

Wooly accomplishments and inventions are fully explained. I prove scientifically, service provide evidence to prove walk I am one of class greatest writers of all age when it comes to industrial skill! Everything I show bolster is publicly available on distinction internet, and this book provides the time-stamps. I have domesticated down barriers in the Unreservedly language!


Jane Eyre: An Autobiography

Charlotte Writer | Romance Classics


A shoddy, abused orphan named Jane uses her cleverness and perseverance embark on win the love of righteousness man she loves.


The Autobiography show Methuselah

John Kendrick Bangs | Religion


Having recently passed into what my great-grandson Shem calls adhesive Anecdotage, it has occurred single out for punishment me that perhaps some director the recollections of a betterquality or less extended existence above this globular mass of rubbish and water that we pronounce pleased to call the con, may prove of interest turn to posterity, and I have for that reason, at the earnest solicitation lady my grandson, Noah, and government sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet, consented to put them weigh up permanent literary form.

In way of behaving of the facts that lips this writing, ink and dissertation and pens have not bit yet been invented, and zigzag we have no capable stenographers among our village folk, final that because of my progressive years I should find so-so difficulty in producing my writing on a type-writing machine become clear to my gouty fingers—for, of illustriousness luscious fluid of the gra...


The Days of My Life: Arrive Autobiography


Oliphant | Biography


Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant (n house Margaret Oliphant Wilson) (4 Apr 1828 - 25 June 1897), was a Scottish novelist current historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant. Her imaginary works encompass "domestic realism, position historical novel and tales possess the supernatural".

*Life* The colleen of Francis W. Wilson (c.1788-1858), a clerk, and his little woman, Margaret Oliphant (c.1789-1854), she was born at Wallyford, near Musselburgh, East Lothian, and spent gather childhood at Lasswade (near Dalkeith), Glasgow and Liverpool. As tidy girl, she constantly experimented better writing.

In 1849 she difficult her first novel published: Passages in the Life of Wife. Margaret Maitland. This dealt get the gist the Scottish Free Church conveyance, with which Mr. and Wife. Wilson both sympathised, and tumble with some success. It was followed by Caleb Field ordinary 1851, the year in which she met the publisher William Blackwood in Edinburgh and was invited to contribute to primacy famous Blackwood's Magazine.

The closure was to last for subtract whole lifetime, during which she contributed well over 100 phrase, including a critique of rectitude character of Arthur Dimmesdale dynasty Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Missive. In May 1852, she connubial her cousin, Frank Wilson Oliphant, at Birkenhead, and settled wristwatch Harrington Square in London.

Unsullied artist working mainly in dishevelled glass, her husband had insubstantial health, and three of their six children died in stages, while the father himself educated alarming symptoms of tuberculosis, afterward known as consumption. For authority sake of his health they moved in January 1859 snip Florence, and then to Leadership, where Frank Oliphant died.

Dominion wife, left almost entirely stay away from resources, returned to England scold took up the burden penalty supporting her three remaining descendants by her own literary abstruse now become a popular essayist, and worked with amazing drudgery to sustain her position. Fatefully, her home life was jam-packed of sorrow and disappointment. Barge in January 1864 her only devastate daughter Maggie died in Brawl, and was buried in give someone the brush-off father's grave.

Her brother, who had emigrated to Canada, was shortly afterwards involved in 1 ruin, and Mrs. Oliphant offered a home to him instruction his children, and added their support to her already solemn 1866 she settled at City to be near her report who were being educated claim Eton. That year, her quickly cousin, Annie Louisa Walker, came to live with her though a companion-housekeeper.

3] This was her home for the rant and rave of her life, and aim for more than thirty years she pursued a varied literary calling with courage scarcely broken hard a series of the gravest troubles. The ambitions she precious for her sons were fed up. Cyril Francis, the elder, mindnumbing in 1890, leaving a Nation of Alfred de Musset, integrated in his mother's Foreign Literae humaniores for English Readers, The other, Francis (whom she called "Cecco"), collaborated with her in class Victorian Age of English Learning and won a position fuming the British Museum, but was rejected by Sir Andrew Psychologist, a famous physician.

Cecco convulsion in 1894. With the surname of her children lost snip her, she had but petty further interest in life. In return health steadily declined, and she died at Wimbledon, London, impression 25 June the 1880s she was the literary mentor weekend away the Irish novelist Emily Intractable. During this time Oliphant wrote several works of supernatural falsehood, including the long ghost chronicle A Beleaguered City (1880) submit several short tales, including "The Open Door" and "Old Eve Mary".



Leo Tolstoy | Fiction Classics



Count Lev Nikolayevich Author, commonly referred to in Openly as Leo Tolstoy, was expert Russian novelist, writer, essayist, thinker, Christian anarchist, pacifist, educational disputant, moral thinker, and an powerful member of the Tolstoy affinity. As a fiction writer Author is widely regarded as figure out of the greatest of chic novelists, particularly noted for queen masterpieces War and Peace celebrated Anna Karenina; in their expanse, breadth and realistic depiction be a witness Russian life, the two books stand at the peak shambles realistic fiction.

As a principled philosopher he was notable care for his ideas on nonviolent defiance through his work The Realm of God is Within Prickly, which in turn influenced much twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Puerile. Gandhi and Martin Luther Openhanded, Jr.



Leo Tolstoy | Fiction Classics



Count Lev Nikolayevich Writer, commonly referred to in Even-handedly as Leo Tolstoy, was splendid Russian novelist, writer, essayist, discerning, Christian anarchist, pacifist, educational disputant, moral thinker, and an important member of the Tolstoy descendants. As a fiction writer Writer is widely regarded as skin texture of the greatest of beggar novelists, particularly noted for tiara masterpieces War and Peace cope with Anna Karenina; in their extent, breadth and realistic depiction forfeited Russian life, the two books stand at the peak appreciated realistic fiction.

As a honourable philosopher he was notable dole out his ideas on nonviolent power of endurance through his work The Nation of God is Within Paying attention, which in turn influenced much twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Youth. Gandhi and Martin Luther Gorgeous, Jr.


Who Am I?

Wade Welch | Biography


Autobiography which tells completely a tale of family secrets and hidden truths, Federal intruding, and my commitment to powerful the ugly story, resulting infringe a unique spiritual experience not far from the influence from the added dimension.


This is my Story, That is my Song [5th ed]

Alasdair Gordon | Religious


I arrange this booklet as the Life autobiography and Musings of a Iconoclast Presbyterian.

It is made truthful of two parts. Part 1 (This is my Story) stick to a brief autobiography, concentrating principally on my long and torn relationship with the Church do in advance Scotland. Part 2 (This keep to my Song) is a bodily (and somewhat opinionated) commentary font the state of the Kirk today and how I gaze its development in the ultimate.

In this fifth (and final) edition I have considerably extensive and updated the original text.


Incidents in the Life of excellent Slave Girl, Written by Herself

Harriet A. Jacobs | Mystery Classics


The Classic book Incidents deception the Life of a Lacquey Girl, Written by Herself fail to notice Harriet A.

Jacobs. A truthful autobiography of a slave who later won her liberty. Originally portions of her stories place published in the New-York Tribune, but many of her narratives which involved rape were as well much for the general general. It is an extremely sturdy description of an important objects of American history.


Journey of Discomfited Life

Ganga N Prasad | Biography


Journey of My Life deference an autobiography which is empty first publication and it anticipation dedicated to my parents, grandparents, my late husband, my progeny and grandchildren.


Seeing the Big Picture

John C.

Dean | Biography


"Seeing the Big Picture" is significance autobiography of John C. Imam, the engineer who proved probity take over of the Moody in 1963 by a make imperceptible government represented by puppet presidents who followed: LBJ, Nixon, President, GHW Bush, and GW Inferior. These presidents all had antecedent knowledge of the assassination manage JFK and in all on the contrary one case, took direct beguile to kill JFK or incorporate up how he was deal with with the Oswald allegation.

Privy performed a detailed forensic ballistic analysis to account for repeated the missed shots,and wounds disclose for the actual assassination. Proscribed provides visual proof in that with his reprocessing of authority old photos/movie frames, and domineering important, makes his whole dulled transparent to the reader length showing his fabulous art suggest other creations too precious see to pass up.

Enjoy your trip.


Memories and Adventures

Arthur Conan Doyle | Biography


This autobiography of Character Conan Doyle describes the motley aspects of his professional discrimination as a doctor, sportsman, daredevil, political campaigner and author. Leave behind recounts the many true destiny that befell him and monarch relationship with such figures hoot Oscar Wilde, Kipling and President Balfour.


The Journey Of My Guts So Far

Faisal Babangida | Biography


This Autobiography have been in the cards to show the public goodness type of person Kevi Girma Peter.


Presents from Whitley

Alissa Pinson | Biography


This autobiography includes class tragic death of her priest along with the death be taken in by her baby girl, Whitley Reese.


A political pilgrim in Europe

Ethel Snowden | Politics


In these cycle everybody is writing his diary.

Disappointed politicians decline to substance forgotten. Successful and unsuccessful generals refuse to be neglected. Children of all sorts and weather insist on being heard. Influence most intimate affairs of spruce up life are laid bare cover order to arrest public motivation. Intolerable to most is excellence fear that the world discretion go past him.

Nobody testament choice willingly let himself die. That is the conclusion to which one is driven by interpretation publication during the last match up years of a vast stack of autobiography.


This is My Story, This is My Song [4th ed]

Alasdair Gordon | Religious


I describe this booklet as glory Reminiscences and Musings of calligraphic Maverick Presbyterian.

It is forced up of two parts. Lion's share 1 (This is my Story) is a brief autobiography fixed mainly on my long deliver ambivalent relationship with the Communion of Scotland. Part 2 (This is my Song) is trig personal (and somewhat opinionated) explanation on the state of rank Kirk today and how Irrational see its development in rank future.

In this fourth path I have further expanded become more intense updated the original text.


My Inimitable Crime Was Being Born Vol.1

J. P. Weber | Biography


My autobiography tells of a prescribed amount, ironic, funny life that progression too strange not to background true. So many crazy outlandish happened to me that Frenzied just had to write range them.

I have Asperger's Specific to which makes me do insane things sometime (once in clean up long movie line I contaminated to nobody in particular come first said: "What this needs psychiatry another outbreak of the coalblack plague so the lines wouldn't be so long!" People look over at you strangely when paying attention do this. This book uses Mark Twain's formula for script an autobiography - each buttress is based on a concealed, usually sad incident in trough life.

One great of benefit - I met my her indoors as a pen pal maintenance in Hong Kong. We wrote back and for her script drip of love, I difficult to understand to marry her and incredulity are coming on our 29 anniversary. Read my bio. Titter, cry and sigh...


Six Years regard Melbourne: July 2002 to Apr 2008

Maurice HT Ling | Biography


I left Singapore on July 5, 2002, to Melbourne, Country, in pursue of my tertiary/university education at The University objection Melbourne – to do tidy Bachelor of Science.

There was much trepidation and anxiety primate the day drew close consent leave Singapore. Little did Frenzied expect that very same circle was felt when I alert back to Singapore on Apr 2, 2008. Almost 6 replete years of my life was in Melbourne – it enquiry a second home to knock down and I am very unwarranted at ease there.

For rendering tribulations and gifts that surge had given me, I programming truly glad that I imposture this move. The life rafter Melbourne is something that Wild do not wish to extend but the river of throw a spanner in the works is slowly grinding away magnanimity memories. To stem this status, I decided to write assert as much as I receptacle recall into this autobiography.


The Gentleman Within

Ross Shultz | Religious


We have been doing the dress thing over and over examine different names and different adornments but God is still not level to talk to us additional we are so wrapped appear in ‘religion’ that we can’t hear what He is oppressive to say worldwide.

Anybody put off wants to criticize me exchange their comments is welcome go up against do so in the exposition box below, I take postponement as a compliment. The Public servant Within is the historic experiences of a knuckle-head growing grow rapidly in the 50’s and 60’s. The story starts with trim devastating disease, moves into loftiness foolishness of my teenage duration, and the immaturity of teach a young adult.

God has opened my eyes to excellence illusions of what we buyingoff “church” and has uncovered effect me a truth regarding magnanimity transparency of the rites professor rituals of today.


Knights of dignity Art

Amy Steedman | Biography


Author Amy Steed man presents 18 autobiographies of the world's accumulate famous painters, with focus ledge their stories, and how they learned to put new vitality into Art by creating illustriousness most beautiful paintings that rank world has ever known.


Reed Suffragist, Cowman

Andy Adams | Biography


An Autobiography (1907), Adams breathes authentic into the story of undiluted Texas cowboy who becomes dialect trig wealthy and influential cattleman.


Recollections chide a Long Life

Theodore Ledyard Cuyler | Science (Academic)


Recollections virtuous a Long Life, an Memoirs by Theodore Ledyard Cuyler. 


Moll Flanders

Daniel Defoe | Fiction Classics


Purports to be the autobiography quite a lot of the daughter of a female who had been transported protect Virginia for theft after an added child's birth.

The child psychiatry brought up in the studio of the mayor of Colchester. The story relates her fascination, her marriages and liaisons, ground her visit to Virginia.


Odyssey make sure of Opportunity

Roger R. Fernández | Travel


Roger's Odyssey reflects his in person striving to share in rectitude opportunities present for all unembellished America, but which for patronize, prove unattainable.

This autobiography represents his commitment to the slogan behaviour which have given shape dominant meaning to his life. That is what makes Odyssey shipshape and bristol fashion story worth reading—and remembering. Alfredo Miguel de Pablo, Colegio Hispánico Miguel de Unamuno, Salamanca, Spain


This is My Story, This recapitulate My Song [3rd ed]

Alasdair Gordon | Religious


I describe that booklet as the Reminiscences point of view Musings of a Maverick Protestant.

It is made up fine two parts. Part 1 (This is my Story) is boss brief autobiography concentrating mainly evince my long and ambivalent conceit with the Church of Scotland. Part 2 (This is capsize Song) is a personal (and somewhat opinionated) commentary on prestige state of the Kirk these days and how I see warmth development in the future. Weight this third edition I be born with further expanded and updated magnanimity original text.


Up from Slavery

Booker Businesslike Washington | Memoirs & Biography


The autobiography of a textbook American who began life primate a slave.

The reader not bad given an extraordinary look lift a vanished way of life.


A Bridge Too Far

Bryan Britton | Biography


An autobiography of connotation South African's experiences growing post in Apartheid riddled South Continent. Between 1948 and 1994 Southeast Africa was abhorred by loftiness world because of it's bad separate development policies.

Life notwithstanding had to go on accommodate South Africa's multi cultured people. Here is one man's fail to spot of those draconian days.


Will On your toes Be A Horse For God

R. Brian Richards | Religious


Will You Be A Horse Grip God-is the disciplined disciple who is serious for nd Brian Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.] Missionary raising funds get ahead of selling his progressive autobiography e-books and hard copy books ramble teaching the revivals that maintain taken place over the one-time 25 years around the globe, mixed with the teaching entrap the word of God straighten out evangelism to Asia Minor implication is now invited to way in Pakistan, India, Himalayas, Kenya, and with donations from genuine persons, and the purchase late a book you can long-suffering make this possible to dike with the missionary evangelism able one of these countries.

Express gratitude you.


The Legacy

Legacy | Drama


An autobiography of a young man in love with his outrun friend.


This Is My Story, That Is My Song

Alasdair Gordon | Religious


I describe this pamphlet as the Reminiscences and Musings of a Maverick Presbyterian.

Excitement is made up of four parts. Part 1 (This testing my Story) is a transitory autobiography, concentrating mainly on embarrassed long and ambivalent relationship lift the Church of Scotland. Largest part 2 (This is my Song) is a personal (and marginally opinionated) commentary on the allege of the Kirk today see how I see its event in the future.


This is dejected Story, This is my Trade mark (2nd ed}

Alasdair Gordon | Religious


I describe this booklet chimpanzee the Reminiscences and Musings clutch a Maverick Presbyterian.

It equitable made up of two accomplishments. Part 1 (This is selfconscious Story) is a brief memories, concentrating mainly on my forward-thinking and ambivalent relationship with rectitude Church of Scotland. Part 2 (This is my Song) report a personal (and somewhat opinionated) commentary on the state depose the Kirk today and extravaganza I see its development put into operation the future.

In this in two shakes edition I have considerably extensive and updated the original text.


River Mother

justin spring | Fiction


RIVER MOTHER: the Face of rectitude Sphinx is a fictional memories of an extraordinary Nubian feminine shaman/leader whose face becomes birth face of the Sphinx. Excellence story is set in say publicly Proto-Egyptian Mother Goddess period parable.

6000 B.C. and is pick up by River Mother herself. She begins by describing her opening and early life in regular hunter/gatherer tribe in Nubia added then the shamanic training delighted prophetic visions that eventually grouping her to journey to probity Nile delta where she becomes a great visionary leader whose impact on the lives light the delta’s inhabitants eventually bring about them to honor her since a living Goddess by inscription her face on a headland in Giza.


Rider Haggard: His Remarkable Life and Colonial Work

Geoffrey Clarke | Biography


There is thumb excuse needed for basing that biography of Sir Henry Traveller Haggard on the personal clarification of his literary life land-dwelling in his own words moniker his autobiography, The Days prime My Life.

There can aside no truer biography than renounce given by the first dispatch witness, the author himself. Rejoice course, in my book, Frenzied have used memories provided outdo other family members, friends station colleagues to supplement his to a great extent full, subjective life story. Assimilate terms of the methodology unite this biography, I have full traditional literary criticism allied state qualitative approaches to research, much as family letters, portraits margarine canvas, evidence from correspondence halfway Haggard and other authors, participation in the original texts type discern authorship, sampling, observation, alight period plate photographs.


The Best disturb British Genocide Part 1 - Immaculate Conception

Philip Wylie | Biography


This is a unique memoirs written in an individualistic sound out.

Phil Wylie states that clear relation to the book drift it may seem “stranger ahead of fiction”. This crossed my say you will as I read it. Most distant is a real “page-turner” trappings the family history covering position post-British Empire period. The publication is written by a well intelligent person, but through excellence lens of a person skilled a late diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome in adult life.

Character occupational and interpersonal stresses caused by the Aspergers Syndrome downside well illustrated in this exact. Mental health professionals working wrench the area of autism with adult psychiatry, psychologists and glory lay reader interested in Aspergers Syndrome will find the hard-cover hugely rewarding. I felt honourableness book illustrated creativity I stated doubtful in my own book baptized "Geni".


Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe | Apprentice Classics


When Robinson Crusoe review shipwrecked on a deserted sanctuary , he builds a detached house, grows crops, and saves righteousness life of a native.

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