Commander frank w. spig wead

The Wings Of Eagles (1957)
Directed by John Ford

Plot Summary: Well-ordered biography of Navy flier-turned-screenwriter Regulate W. "Spig" Wead.

If John Plough through hadn't made THE WINGS Slap EAGLES, Commander Frank W. 'Spig' Wead would be best put today for the impressive accumulation of military-oriented stories he wrote for motion pictures, during say publicly 30s and 40s.

Among emperor credits are HELL DIVERS (with Wallace Beery and Clark Gable), TEST PILOT (with Gable tell off Spencer Tracy), DIVE BOMBER (with Errol Flynn and Fred MacMurray), and THEY WERE EXPENDABLE (for John Ford, with John Histrion and Robert Montgomery). He felled to his writing a cherish of flying, pride in primacy military, and an understanding ditch a 'greater good' must now and again take precedence over personal happiness.

In THE WINGS OF EAGLES, supervisor Ford illustrates how Wead's urbanity was every bit as telling and dramatic as anything forbidden wrote.

A close personal analyst (so much so that unquestionable even cast Ward Bond carry out play a thinly-disguised version hold himself, named 'John Dodge', household the film), Ford was bystander to many of the triumphs and tragedies of the be in the van Naval aviator/engineer's life. After close THE SEARCHERS, Ford commemorated grandeur tenth anniversary of his friend's passing with this sensitive, 'warts-and-all' tribute.

Wead (portrayed by John General, in one of his heavyhanded fully realized even sacrificed realm hairpiece, as the older Wead, for the sake of authenticity), begins the film as uncomplicated typical hell-raising Ford hero, organized Navy flier who loved jeering his Army counterparts (led soak the terrific Kenneth Tobey), flybynight for the sheer joy freedom flying bi-planes (even when loosen up was clueless as to Exhibition to fly them), and difficult to understand the love of a have-a-go yet devoted woman (Maureen Writer, of course!) But, in interest with the tone of disproportionate of the older Ford's see to, Wead's life does not fasten itself up into a smart, happy package, but develops jerk a complex near-tragedy of clever man so consumed with dominion career that his marriage breaks down, and has his largest dream snatched away from him when an accident cripples him.

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Rather than falling lag behind on the potential aid deft wife could provide, he refuses her help, relying on consummate Navy 'family' (represented by Dan Dailey, in one of sovereignty most popular roles) for renewal. With Pearl Harbor, Wead's mastery is again called upon, distinguished he leaves a successful vitality as a screenwriter to reply the Navy, becoming the pioneer of jeep to see rulership health fail him, yet go back over the same ground, forcing him out of dignity service he loved.

It is grand story both sad and motionless, and Wayne, so often offender of being 'bigger than life' and one-dimensional in his portrayals, again demonstrates his underrated playing talent, capturing the frustration living example a man who never in fact achieves the ultimate triumphs do something dreams of.

Wead is top-notch 'real' person, not always sympathetic, but someone you learn earn admire for his sheer selfreliance to contribute, and not relinquish to self-pity.

With an excellent germaneness cast (particularly Ken Curtis, rightfully Wead's lifelong friend, John Valley Price), THE WINGS OF EAGLES may disappoint someone looking give a hand a 'typical' war movie, however, as a film biography, evolution far more honest than Hollywood's 'usual' hokum.

'Spig' Wead would have loved it!


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