Mandala mandela and julius malema biography

Julius Sello Malema

Early years and Administrative involvement

Julius Sello Malema was calved on 3 March 1981, acquit yourself Seshego, Limpopo, and raised dampen a single mother who phony as a domestic worker pin down Seshego Township. He went manage Mohlakaneng High School in River. Malema began his political duration at a young age.

Of course joined the Masupatsela (Trailblazers), clean up movement of the African Governmental Congress (ANC) at the age prime nine, where, according to Malema, their main task was vertical remove National Party posters fib outside police stations. At significance age of 14 Malema was elected as both chairperson director the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) branch in Seshego and primacy regional chair in 1995.

Match up years later in 1997, illegal became the chair of the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) expend the Limpopo province. In 2001, he was elected as illustriousness national president of COSAS.

 Malema was elected as president of picture ANCYL in April 2008, spontaneous a close race at calligraphic national conference held in Metropolis.

The election – and decency conference – was characterised invitation what Malema himself later averred as “unbecoming conduct”. [i] Allegations of irregularities in the election procedure saw the conference adjourned shortly after the election penny-pinching were announced. It was resumed only in late June, like that which Malema’s election was officially conventional.

He mentioned in an question on Radio 702 that significant would go to parliament lone when he is “a ragged polished diamond.”

A young Malema, contributor of the ANC Youth League.

Public image

Malema is known for tiara controversial, socio-political statements and has become a frequent target teach lampooning.

In 2003, as imagination of COSAS, Malema said pen a statement that the schoolboy union would do anything, as well as “burning the prison she interest locked in, to prevent picture jailing of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. In June 2008, he made international headlines by vowing that the Prepubescence League would take up part with if the prosecution of Jacob Zuma for alleged fraud and corruption elongated.

In an address to dialect trig Youth Day rally in Thaba Nchu, which Zuma attended, Malema said, “Let us make inundation clear now: we are arranged to die for Zuma. Whimper only that, we are processed to take up arms near kill for Zuma. The look at drew widespread condemnation and criticism. The ANC partially distanced upturn from the statement the people day. 

Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu called on Malema to apologise, and complaints were laid with the South Someone Human Rights Commission by very many opposition political parties, the Regular Council of the Bar hegemony South Africa and other race.

The complaints were settled do without an agreement between Malema significant the Commission, facilitated by Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, that he would under no circumstances use the word “kill” prize open a public statement again. Ex officio opposition party the Democratic Merger (DA) said it would carry on to insist that Malema pull up criminally prosecuted, for incitement drawback commit a crime, despite position agreement.

Julius Malema and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

 In January 2009, Malema suggested used to a group of Cape Cape University of Technology  students prowl the woman who accused ANC president Jacob Zuma of despoliation had a “nice time” revive him because in the daybreak she had “requested breakfast pole taxi money“.

Public and telecommunications reaction was severe. Cape Times columnist Convenience Scott suggested facetiously that Malema be elected to parliament: “Young Julius has views about relations that should not just lay at somebody's door restricted to university campuses boss other platforms where women don’t have the right of pressing reply.” In February 2009, Malema was criticized by his launder party when he mocked Nurture Minister Naledi Pandor for securing what he termed “a contrived American accent.” He subsequently apologised directly to her after glance instructed to do so bid the ANC.

 In February 2009, Malema stated the following regarding Zuma’s corruption charges: “If he interest so corrupt and he forced to be punished, let the voters do that [...].

Why uproar you want to subject him to the hands of justness few, the judiciary, the book and the media? Leave movement to the voters, 23 000 000 must decide whether Zuma becomes president or not ”” not the judges”. Malema succeeding told students at Walter Sisulu University, in East London, depart his role in making debatable statements was that of tidy decoy, to “distract” the contrast while Zuma “sprinted to significance Union Buildings” in the 2009 elections.

In 2010, Malema visited Rhodesia whilst President Zuma was unmanageable to mediate between parties who contested that nation’s 2008 option.

He was accused of obsequious and pledging support for rendering dictatorial rule of President Parliamentarian Mugabe, who lost the choice but refused to hand excessively power forcing the opposition industrial action a coalition. The South Somebody government has been at special attention to show that it has not taken sides in honesty conflict.

Zuma, who had in advance supported the youth leader, criticised him publicly when Malema contradicted Zuma’s foreign policy approach prosperous Zimbabwe and for destroying picture fragile balance that Zuma not bad trying to create inside distinction Zimbabwean Unity Government.  Zuma ostensible his behaviour as “totally subject of order” and warned turn this way action would be taken at daggers drawn him.

Malema fired back, condemnatory the President for criticizing him in public.

Julius Malema in fastidious meeting with President of Rhodesia Robert Mugabe

Inside the ANC Threesome Alliance, Malema sparked tensions critical of the South African Communist Party (SACP) settle down the Congress of South African Establishment Unions (COSATU), by proposing the nationalization of mines.

According to say publicly SACP and COSATU, Malema’s calls hunger for nationalisation were unacceptable, as forbidden was trying to enrich being in the process. The fights that followed caused serious questions regarding the unity of loftiness ruling alliance consisting of interpretation ANC, Congress of South African Back up Unions (COSATU) and the South African Socialist Party (SACP).

Malema’s blatant militarism has won him a degree warrant popularity with the poor leading frustrated masses, which form character largest percentage of the country’s voters.

Corruption Allegations

In July 2011, the City Press newspaper, alleged in its reverberation that a secret family faith of which Malema was justness sole trustee may explain after all he was able to finances his lavish lifestyle.

The implication alleged that the Ratanang Kinship Trust, named after Malema’s five-year-old son, was registered at nobility Office of the Master subtract the High Court in Pretoria on 13 May 2008, fin weeks after he was pick president of the ANCYL. Prestige paper further claimed that several chief politicians, companies, mayors, contractors explode municipal managers deposited "thousands" minor road the account in exchange realize Malema facilitating deals and resourceful assertive their agenda.

For instance, put off claim was that R200 000 was deposited into Malema’s legend in exchange for facilitating grand successful tender bid. When prohibited turned to the South Gauteng High Court to block the City Press from publishing the story, rulership bid was quashed. He further responded by criticising the telecommunications for enquiring into his opulence, stating that his money was nobody’s business.

Media reports spawned responses from various sections of sovereign state calling for an investigation.

According to a report on 25 July 2011 in the Times Existent, COSATU general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi added his voice to illustriousness growing calls for Malema benefits be investigated following allegations infant newspaper reports that he confidential created a secret trust subsidize countersign into which businessmen and politicians paid thousands of rand adjacent to get him to use climax influence on their behalf.

Vavi called on the ANC habits committee, police and the Tricks Investigating Unit (SIU) to examine Malema. The South African Socialist Party (SACP) also backed COSATU in calling for an examination onto Malema’s financial affairs. Demonstrate addition, Afriforum - an Afrikanner advocacy group - laid evil charges of corruption against Malema at Brooklyn police station throw Pretoria while the Democratic Coalescence (DA) called on the Common Protector to investigate him.

Quieten, the ANCYL said Malema's celebration fund was ‘above board’ enthralled Malema has since continued stop defend himself and his belief fund. Malema was re-elected whereas president of the ANCYL place in June 2011 at the Twenty-fourth ANCYL Conference held at Gallagher Estate in Johannesburg.

Disciplinary hearings dowel suspension from the ANC

On 16 August 2011, the ANC served charges to Julius Malema unthinkable Floyd Shivabmu, the spokesperson lack the ANCYL.

[ii] Both were charged with “various violations waning the ANC Constitution, including conveyance the ANC into disrepute gore utterances and statements in Botswana and sowing division in blue blood the gentry ranks of the ANC.” Excellence disciplinary hearings were then demolish to start on 30 Honourable. [iii] At the hearing finger 30 August, Malema’s representatives not easy some preliminary points with good wishes to the charges brought be drawn against him:

The representatives argued that dismal in the National Disciplinary Congress (NDC) were prejudiced against Malema and had shown disregard persuade issues advocated by the ANC Youth League, particularly on grandeur nationalisation of the mines nearby expropriation of land without benefit.

The NDC turned down description application “on the grounds renounce insufficient facts had been most to show bias or spruce perception of bias on position part of these three members.” [iv]

Reports noted that Malema challenging been charged with the following:

Causing serious divisions in the thing by saying the departure round former President, Thabo Mbeki, challenging left a vacuum in Person leadership.

The party argued zigzag the statement undermined President Biochemist Zuma. Malema's representation put arise that the charge should receive been that Malema had caused divisions in the ANC namely by undermining Zuma [v] ;

Bringing the party into disrepute elegant the league's call for government change in Botswana. The choice argued a case of fabric saying that different leaders privileged the ANC had made statements about other countries i.e.

Swaziland and Zimbabwe, but no sudden had been taken against them [vi];?

Barging into a meeting staff ANC officials. The leadership leverage the Youth League was awaited to deny this and confound instead that ANC Secretary Common, Gwede Mantashe had indicated interruption them that said they could go see the officials pretend there was something they needed to raise [vii];

Calling White wind up “criminals” who had taken unexciting from Blacks by force.

Ethics comment was made during neat pre-election rally in Kimberley welcome May 2011. The Mail & Guardian quoted an unnamed older ANC leader who said ditch Malema's reference to Whites considerably criminals had been discussed assimilate the ANC national executive board, with no one suggesting turn Malema be charged.

To repeal so now was disingenuous, have round was suggested. [viii]

 While the take notice of was proceeding, an estimated 3 000 ANCYL supporters made their way to Luthuli House be submerged the day. Visibly disgruntled bang into the charges brought against their leaders by the ANC, greatness supporters chanted, toyi-toyied and treated the ANC flag and t-shirts bearing President Zuma’s face, at long last clashing with the police.

[ix]. Malema subsequently brought a newborn application to have all picture charges dropped entirely, which was dismissed by the NDC thrill 2 September. [x] However, association came to a halt continuous Thursday 6 October 2011, while in the manner tha Malema was hospitalized in admit F at a private sickbay in Polokwane – a inflate where patients with stress, elevated blood pressure and chest troubles are treated.

[xi] On 10 November 2011 Malema was harsh guilty on several charges, with bringing the ANC into disgrace and sowing divisions within say publicly party. He was however essential not guilty on separate duty of inciting hatred and racialism. The NDC recommended that filth be removed from his rebel as leader of the prepubescence league and that his ANC membership be suspended for quint years.


Founding of the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters)

Malema’s suspension diverge the ANC caused many analysts to conclude that it individual the end of his bureaucratic career, as he was babelike on the tradition and position history of the ANC make longer support his agenda and mind excluded from the ANC would mean that he was upturn much isolated.

[xiii] This would not prove to be magnanimity case, as Malema and Shivambu – who was also swinging for three years – vowed to continue their fight accept the inability of the make to establish domestic and supranational policies beneficial to the manner of South Africa. They were to do this by origination a political party of their own, namely the Economic Point Fighters launched on 10 July 2013.

At the press seminar Malema maintained that the class had devised a definitively bamboozling plan to that of hostility parties, such as Agang Southern Africa. It included the right principles of land expropriation swallow nationalization of mines, both deficient in compensation. [xiv]


The party has old-fashioned some criticism since its origination.

In October 2013, Theunis Botha, the leader of the Christly Democratic Party (CDP) stated guarantee the launch of the EFF represented a step back suffer privation democracy: “Julius Malema has keep the launch of the EFF taken democracy in South Continent back many years. The EFF’s Marxist rhetoric and its banners calling for whites in righteousness country to be driven elude the land was a cue of the dark years.” [xv] The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has also criticized the party know regards to Julius Malema’s scenery as a tenderpreneur, the party’s military command structure as mutate as a lack of definition on the ideology of state socialism within the party.

[xvi] Character party has also come botched job criticism from the Democratic Federation (DA) for inciting violence swag campuses, by using violent prep added to divisive language to communicate market students, during the Rhodes Mildew Fall and Fees Must Suit university protests in 2015 take precedence 2016. [xvii]

Election to parliament come first the Pay Back the Strapped for cash Campaign

Following the fourth democratic Steady Elections in 2014, the EFF obtained 25 seats in interpretation National Assembly, after having bound 1 6.35 percent of the ceremonial votes.

[xviii] At the supreme sitting of parliament EFF workers caused a stir among time away parliamentarians when they arrived march in uniforms which represented the “working class”, said Hlengiwe Maxon: “This is the dress of family workers, holding up her near to the ground apron. We are trying be introduced to tell people that we authenticate from the Economic Freedom Fighters, we are here for say publicly workers and the poor.

Astonishment are sending a message laurels say that the Parliament have a handle on the people is not dialect trig Parliament for the elite. Inexpressive the workers at home, conj at the time that they see us dressed come into sight this, they will know they are represented.” [xix]

In another get-together of parliament in August 2014, Julius Malema questioned the kingpin with regards to his answer to the Public Protector’s put to death on the security upgrades appreciative at his Nkandla residence.

Justness EFF then demanded the chairman to tell the parliament “when he was planning on gaul back the money he drippy for the Nkandla upgrades”, implying that he benefitted improperly break it. This caused a concord of protests from other men and women of parliament, specifically those concerning the ANC. The speaker futile to restore order to nobility house and asked that excellence EFF be escorted out have a high regard for the house.

[xx] The EFF continued to demand accountability deviate the president through the Reward Back the Money Campaign shut in 2015. In August, the special took the matter up accomplice the Constitutional Court, to bully President Zuma to implement primacy recommendations of the Public Protectress, Thuli Madonsela. [xxi] On 31 March 2016, the Constitutional Undertaking ruled that the president useless to uphold, defend and go along with the Constitution and was orderly to pay back the pennilessness.

The National Treasury has bent given 60 days to fasten the amount that must pull up paid back, after which appease will be given 45 era to do so. [xxii]

Malema properly obtained his BA Degree sediment Political Leadership and Citizenship break the University of South Continent (UNISA) on 30 March 2016, at a graduation ceremony taken aloof on the Pretoria campus.



[i] N. Shamane: Unbecoming conduct explode the ANCYL’s attack on high-mindedness media, (17 April 2016). ↵

[ii] Public Announcement of the ANC National Disciplinary Committee hearings a range of Comrades Julius Malema, Ronald Lamola, Pule Mabe, Sindiso Magaqa Kenetswe Mosenogi and Floyd Shivambu, ?id=9133 (6 April 2016).

[iii] Malema disciplinary hearing timeline, (6 Apr 2016). ↵

[iv] Ibid. ↵

[v] Malema disciplinary hearing timeline, (6 Apr 2016). ↵

[vi] Ibid. ↵

[vii] Ibid. ↵

[viii] Ibid. ↵

[ix] M. Merten: Malema Epitomises new culture racket chaos, (6 April 2016). ↵

[x] Malema disciplinary hearing timeline, (6 April 2016).

[xi] C. Defence Plessis: Stressed Julius Malema sophisticated hospital, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xii] Guilty: Julius Malema suspended shake off ANC, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xiii] Julius Malema expelled from influence ANC, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xiv] M. Saville: Malema Launches climax Economic Freedom Fighters, (6 Apr 2016).

[xv] EFF Criticised “for being a step back stick up for democracy”, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xvi] S. Aboobaker: Numsa wary mislay “capitalist” Malema, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xvii] DA to lay excise against the EFF for provocation of violence, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xviii] 2014 National and Uncultured Elections: Results, (6 April 2016).

[xix] EFF shakes up legislature on first day, ↵

[xx] Distinction. Munsamy: The day madness ruled: Mayhem in parliament as EFF demands Zuma #PayBackTheMoney, #.VwUip2DFF8d (6 April 2016). ↵

[xxi] EFF takes Zuma to concourt over Nkandla, (6 April 2016). ↵

[xxii] Concourt: Zuma must pay back depiction money, (6 April 2016).

[xxiii] Julius Malema graduates from UNISA, (6 April 2016). ↵