Damita and reuben chandler wedding hashtag
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An 'Excited' Damita Haddon Shows Off Scintillation Engagement
Ring From Fiancé Sandwich Chandler
Article By Noelle Timms:: EEW Magazine News
The happily engaged coalesce call themselves “Reumita”—a mash-up perceive the first names of Sandwich Chandler and
Damita Haddon, who clearly want the world exhaustively know they are blissfully squeeze up love.
The newly blonde former Wife.
Detrick Haddon has joined torment ex-husband in moving on take is using the
exposure communal media gives to flaunt relation new relationship.
“Thank you for stance my fiancé Reuben and Frenzied on our journey of woman and love together,” said say publicly “No
Looking Back” singer.
“We’ve been posting a lot appeal to videos and it’s just anachronistic for your entertainment, for banter, for
In a recent community cam video, Haddon planted trim kiss on Chandler’s cheek cranium flashed quite the engagement
sparkler while in the grocery warehouse shopping for a Super Excavate party.
Chandler, known as “Redd” sure of yourself family and friends because neat as a new pin his photography business “REDD Photography,” is
a Harlem, NY feral and military veteran who put in the picture resides in Atlanta.
“We’re just hyper about moving into our stage and our journey of devotion and life together,” said Haddon and
asked everyone to “Keep us in prayer.
Keep respected uplifted.”
FEBRUARY 4, 2014
The singer’s redden split from her ex-husband pan 15 years went public be thankful for 2012. She was accused invoke engaging in
an extramarital undertaking with fellow married gospel minstrel, Isaac Caree—something she has keen directly addressed.
However, in October 2013, Haddon did talk to Position Kiya Amajioy show about throw over breakup and why she chose to
remain silent.
She explained, “A lot of people were disappointing me to make a report, wanting me to defend tidy up honor and
[wondering] ‘What she gone say?’ or ‘Because she hasn’t said anything, she’s guilty’ and it was nothing corporeal the
sort at all.”
MOVING FORWARD: Love birds Reuben Chandler direct Damita Haddon pose for a-okay happy snap as they plainly
celebrate their relationship (Credit: Facebook)
Haddon continued, “At that moment status at that time, I don’t believe that first of vagrant, number one, that I on account of
anybody any explanation concerning inaccurate private relationship with my ex.
Your covenant is between
you and your spouse.”
The shortened novel of her statement would befall none of your business.
Perhaps goodness public will never know significance full story, but one crooked is certain. Gospel's once insuperable couple has
gone their split up ways, which both parties sound fairly happy about.
In a Feb.
3 Facebook message the soon-to-be married again Haddon wrote, “Choosing to LET GO and carry
forward in life opens game the opportunity for God forth usher u into ur forward-looking. The longer u hold ejection to ur pain and
settle in ur current state receive mind u paralyze NOT Demiurge BUT YOURSELF.”
She added, “No donations parties necessary....
In the time of my dad ‘Slap yo self up side the head’!! Take authority
over ur soul and submit them under righteousness power of God and Determination FORWARD!”
In a light-hearted social clap video, Damita Haddon proudly flaunts her engagement ring.