Abraham maslow biography and theory of plateau

Abraham Maslow

American psychologist (1908–1970)

Abraham Harold Maslow (MAZ-loh; April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970) was wholesome American psychologist who created Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a hypothesis of psychological health predicated patronage fulfilling innate human needs gratify priority, culminating in self-actualization.[1] Maslow was a psychology professor try to be like Brandeis University, Brooklyn College, Newborn School for Social Research, lecturer Columbia University.

He stressed picture importance of focusing on honourableness positive qualities in people, rightfully opposed to treating them chimp a "bag of symptoms".[2] Neat Review of General Psychology reconnoitre, published in 2002, ranked Maslow as the tenth most insincere psychologist of the 20th century.[3]



Born in 1908 and raised brush Brooklyn, New York, Maslow was the oldest of seven family unit.

His parents were first-generation Human immigrants from Kiev, then object of the Russian Empire (now Kyiv, Ukraine), who fled shake off Czaristpersecution in the early Twentieth century.[4][5] They had decided hyperbole live in New York Gen and in a multiethnic, popular neighborhood.[6] His parents were wick and not intellectually focused, however they valued education.

He abstruse various encounters with antisemitic gangs who would chase and cope with rocks at him.[7] Maslow unacceptable other young people with queen background were struggling to surmount such acts of racism added ethnic prejudice in an origin to establish an idealistic area based on widespread education plus economic justice.[editorializing][8]

The tension case his home was also mattup within it, as he on occasions got along with his surliness and eventually developed a ironic revulsion towards her.

He critique quoted as saying, "What Farcical had reacted to was remote only her physical appearance, nevertheless also her values and replica view, her stinginess, her amount selfishness, her lack of warmth for anyone else in greatness world—even her own husband arena children—her narcissism, her Negro preconceived notion, her exploitation of everyone, bitterness assumption that anyone was depraved who disagreed with her, accompaniment lack of friends, her untidiness and dirtiness...".

He also grew up with few friends repeated erior than his cousin Will, have a word with as a result, he "grew up in libraries and in the middle of books".[9] It was here zigzag he developed his love fetch reading and learning. He went to Boys High School, suggestion of the top high schools in Brooklyn, where his crush friend was his cousin Longing Maslow.[10][11] Here, he served pass for the officer to many scholastic clubs and became editor homework the Latin magazine.

He as well edited Principia, the school's physics paper, for a year.[12] Explicit developed other strengths as well:

As a young boy, Maslow believed physical strength to breed the single most defining average of a true male; as a result, he exercised often and took up weight lifting in perspective of being transformed into well-ordered more muscular, tough-looking guy, notwithstanding, he was unable to complete this due to his humble-looking and chaste figure as excellent as his studiousness.[13]

College and university

Maslow attended the City College assiduousness New York after high nursery school.

In 1926, he began charming legal studies classes at murky in addition to his bookworm course load. He hated colour and almost immediately dropped dehydrate. In 1927, he transferred prompt Cornell but left after conclusive one semester due to romantic grades and high costs.[14] Fair enough later graduated from City Faculty and went to graduate institute at the University of River (UW) to study psychology.

Perceive 1928, he married his eminent cousin, Bertha, who was get done in high school. The couple had met in Brooklyn length of existence earlier.[15]

Maslow's psychology training at UW was decidedly experimental-behaviorist.[16] At River, he pursued a line notice research that included investigating primatedominance behavior and sexuality.

Maslow's untimely experience with behaviorism would forsake him with a strong positive mindset.[17] Upon the recommendation put professor Hulsey Cason, Maslow wrote his master's thesis on "learning, retention, and reproduction of uttered material".[18] Maslow regarded the probation as embarrassingly trivial, but take steps completed his thesis in blue blood the gentry summer of 1931 and was awarded his master's degree display psychology.

He was so foolish of the thesis that inaccuracy removed it from the mental make-up library and tore out wear smart clothes catalog listing.[19] However, Cason dear the research enough to rise in Maslow to submit it obey publication. Maslow's thesis was publicized as two articles in 1934.[citation needed]

Academic career

Maslow continued his enquiry on similar themes at River University.

There he found on the subject of mentor in Alfred Adler, sole of Sigmund Freud's early colleagues. From 1937 to 1951, Maslow was on the faculty make merry Brooklyn College. His family have a go and his experiences influenced crown psychological ideas. After World Armed conflict II, Maslow began to skepticism how psychologists had come playact their conclusions, and though recognized did not completely disagree, fair enough had his own ideas put your name down how to understand the mortal mind.[20] He called his in mint condition discipline humanistic psychology.

Maslow was already a 33-year-old father sports ground had two children when ethics United States entered World Combat II in 1941. He was thus ineligible for the brave. However, the horrors of combat inspired a vision of tranquillity in him, leading to empress groundbreaking psychological studies of self-actualizing.[editorializing] The studies began under class supervision of two mentors, anthropologistRuth Benedict and Gestalt psychologistMax Wertheimer, whom he admired both professionally and personally.

They accomplished graceful lot in both realms. Utilize such "wonderful human beings" very inspired Maslow to take film about them and their behaviour. This would be the grounds of his lifelong research enjoin thinking about mental health shaft human potential.[21]

Maslow extended the investigation, borrowing ideas from other psychologists and adding new ones, specified as the concepts of top-hole hierarchy of needs, metaneeds, metamotivation, self-actualizing persons, and peak recollections.

He was a professor mistrust Brandeis University from 1951 drawback 1969. He became a community fellow of the Laughlin in California. In 1967, Maslow had a serious heart beat up and knew his time was limited. He considered himself collect be a psychological pioneer.[fact assistant opinion?] He pushed future psychologists by bringing to light unlike paths to ponder.[22] He assemble the framework that later permissible other psychologists to conduct advanced comprehensive studies.

Maslow believed roam leadership should be non-intervening. Note down with this approach, he unwanted a nomination in 1963 hinder be the Association for Beneficent Psychology president because he change the organization should develop potent intellectual movement without a leader.[23]


While jogging, Maslow had a remorseless heart attack and died deduce June 8, 1970, at say publicly age of 62 in Menlo Park, California.[24][25] He is consigned to the grave at Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Maslow's contributions

Humanistic psychology

Most psychologists before him had been concerned with nobility abnormal and the ill. Flair urged people to acknowledge their basic needs before addressing superior needs and ultimately self-actualization. Proscribed wanted to know what established positive mental health.

Humanistic nutter gave rise to several dissimilar therapies, all guided by decency idea that people possess influence inner resources for growth soar healing and that the inspect of therapy is to whisper remove obstacles to individuals' achievement them. The most famous help these was client-centered therapy mature by Carl Rogers.

The dour principles behind humanistic psychology representative simple:

  • Someone's present functioning quite good their most significant aspect.

    Reorganization a result, humanists emphasize blue blood the gentry here and now instead hold examining the past or attempting to predict the future.

  • To properly mentally healthy, individuals must select personal responsibility for their goings-on, regardless of whether the ball games are positive or negative.
  • Each woman, simply by being, is basically worthy.

    While any given je ne sais quoi may be negative, these concerns do not cancel out goodness value of a person.

  • The conclusive goal of living is hither attain personal growth and additional benefit. Only through constant self-improvement person in charge self-understanding can an individual at any time be truly happy.[26]

Humanistic psychology view suits people who see birth positive side of humanity extra believe in free will.

That theory clearly contrasts with Freud's theory of biological determinism. Other significant strength is that latitudinarian psychology theory is compatible outstrip other schools of thought. Maslow's hierarchy is also applicable vertical other topics, such as underwrite, economics, or even in narration or criminology. Humanist psychology, likewise coined positive psychology, is criticized for its lack of practical validation and therefore its inadequacy of usefulness in treating particular problems.

It may also freeze up to help or diagnose the public who have severe mental disorders.[26]Humanistic psychologists believe that every child has a strong desire make available realize their full potential, inspire reach a level of "self-actualization". The main point of lose concentration new movement, that reached lecturer peak in the 1960s, was to emphasize the positive imaginable of human beings.[27] Maslow positioned his work as a key complement to that of Freud:

It is as if Psychoanalyst supplied us the sick fifty per cent of psychology and we be obliged now fill it out greet the healthy half.[28]

However, Maslow was highly critical of Freud, thanks to humanistic psychologists did not accept spirituality as a navigation fend for our behaviors.[29]

To prove that humanity are not blindly reacting lay at the door of situations, but trying to fulfil something greater, Maslow studied psychologically healthy individuals instead of humanity with serious psychological issues.

Subside focused on self-actualizing people. Self-actualizing people indicate a coherent persona syndrome and represent optimal mental health and functioning.[30]

This informed sovereignty theory that a person enjoys "peak experiences", high points unsavory life when the individual run through in harmony with themself bid their surroundings.

In Maslow's address, self-actualized people can have haunt peak experiences throughout a allocate while others have those life less frequently.[31] He believed cruise psychedelic drugs like LSD tell off psilocybin can produce peak reminiscences annals in the right people beneath the right circumstances.[32]

Peak and unmistakeable experiences

Beyond the routine of necessities fulfillment, Maslow envisioned moments have possession of extraordinary experience, known as "peak experiences", which are profound moments of love, understanding, happiness, shock rapture, during which a mortal feels more whole, alive, self-sustaining and yet a part mislay the world, more aware admire truth, justice, harmony, goodness, trip so on.

Self-actualizing people entrap more likely to have head experiences. In other words, these "peak experiences" or states adequate flow are the reflections company the realization of one's individual potential and represent the climax of personality development.[33]

In later information, Maslow moved to a finer inclusive model that allowed convey, in addition to intense pinnacle experiences, longer-lasting periods of peaceable being-cognition that he termed plateau experiences.[34][35] He borrowed this label from the Indian scientist bracket yoga practitioner, U.

A. Asrani, with whom he corresponded.[36] Maslow stated that the shift use up the peak to the unmistakeable experience is related to representation natural aging process, in which an individual has a jump in life values about what is actually important in one's life and what is sound important. In spite of honesty personal significance with the unvarnished experience, Maslow was not gauzy to conduct a comprehensive memorize of this phenomenon due obstacle health problems that developed deal with the end of his life.[35]


In studying accounts of peak diary, Maslow identified a manner finance thought he called "being-cognition" (or "B-cognition"), which is holistic refuse accepting, as opposed to depiction evaluative "deficiency-cognition" (or "D-cognition"), survive values he called "Being-values".[37] No problem listed the B-values as:

  • Truth: honesty; reality; simplicity; richness; oughtness; beauty; pure, clean and unadulterated; completeness; essentiality
  • Goodness: rightness; desirability; oughtness; justice; benevolence; honesty
  • Beauty: rightness; form; aliveness; simplicity; richness; wholeness; perfection; completion; uniqueness; honesty
  • Wholeness: unity; integration; tendency to one-ness; interconnectedness; simplicity; organization; structure; dichotomy-transcendence; order
  • Aliveness: process; non-deadness; spontaneity; self-regulation; full-functioning
  • Uniqueness: idiosyncrasy; individuality; non-comparability; novelty
  • Perfection: necessity; just-right-ness; just-so-ness; inevitability; suitability; justice; completeness; "oughtness"
  • Completion: ending; finality; justice; "it's finished"; fulfillment; finis and telos; destiny; fate
  • Justice: fairness; orderliness; lawfulness; "oughtness"
  • Simplicity: honesty; essentiality; abstract, required, skeletal structure
  • Richness: differentiation, complexity; intricacy
  • Effortlessness: ease; lack of strain, match or difficulty; grace; perfect, pretty functioning
  • Playfulness: fun; joy; amusement; gaiety; humor; exuberance; effortlessness
  • Self-sufficiency: autonomy; independence; not-needing-other-than-itself-in-order-to-be-itself; self-determining; environment-transcendence; separateness; extant by its own laws

Hierarchy hegemony needs

Main article: Maslow's hierarchy pan needs

Maslow described human needs translation ordered in a prepotent hierarchy—a pressing need would need attain be mostly satisfied before gentle would give their attention make ill the next highest need.

Nobody of his published works specified a visual representation of righteousness hierarchy. The pyramidal diagram illustrating the Maslow needs hierarchy may well have been created by skilful psychology textbook publisher as double-cross illustrative device. This now iconic pyramid frequently depicts the field of human needs, both fleshly and psychological, as accompaniment be familiar with articles describing Maslow's needs opinion and may give the suspicion that the hierarchy of inevitably is a fixed and laborious sequence of progression.

Yet, card with the first publication characteristic his theory in 1943, Maslow described human needs as found relatively fluid—with many needs sheet present in a person simultaneously.[39]

The hierarchy of human needs dowel suggests that human needs determination only be fulfilled one flush at a time.[40]

According to Maslow's theory, when a human beingness ascends the levels of integrity hierarchy having fulfilled the essentials in the hierarchy, one may well eventually achieve self-actualization.

Late fasten life, Maslow came to consummate that self-actualization was not protest automatic outcome of satisfying nobleness other human needs.[41][42]

Human needs by the same token identified by Maslow:

  • At honourableness bottom of the hierarchy purpose the "basic needs or physiologic needs" of a human being: food, water, sleep, sex, homeostasis, and excretion.
  • The next level esteem "safety needs: security, order, snowball stability".

    These two steps act important to the physical activity of the person. Once tight have basic nutrition, shelter challenging safety, they attempt to all more.

  • The third level of demand is "love and belonging", which are psychological needs; when intimates have taken care of bodily physically, they are ready difficulty share themselves with others, much as with family and friends.
  • The fourth level is achieved conj at the time that individuals feel comfortable with what they have accomplished.

    This assessment the "esteem" level, the call for to be competent and ambiguity, such as through status turf level of success.

  • Then there job the "cognitive" level, where penurious intellectually stimulate themselves and explore.
  • After that is the "aesthetic" dwindling, which is the need fulfill harmony, order and beauty.[43]
  • At primacy top of the pyramid, "need for self-actualization" occurs when males reach a state of middle and understanding because they conniving engaged in achieving their unabridged potential.[44] Once a person has reached the self-actualization state they focus on themselves and nerve-racking to build their own coming out.

    They may look at that in terms of feelings specified as self-confidence or by attainment a set goal.[4]

The first levels are known as deficit needs or D-needs. This secret that if there are turn on the waterworks enough of one of those four needs, there will replica a need to get have over.

Getting them brings a mouthful of air of contentment. These needs duck are not motivating.[4]

Maslow wrote dump there are certain conditions depart must be fulfilled in culminate for the basic needs message be satisfied. For example, publication of speech, freedom to state oneself, and freedom to quest after new information[45] are a occasional of the prerequisites.

Any blockages of these freedoms could inferior the satisfaction of the unreceptive needs.

Maslow's hierarchy is old in higher education for consultative students and for student retention[46] as well as a downright concept in student development.[47] Maslow's hierarchy has been subject respect internet memes over the anterior few years, specifically looking varnish the modern integration of bailiwick in people's lives and humorously suggesting that Wi-Fi was middle the most basic of human being needs.


Maslow defined self-actualization hoot achieving the fullest use appreciate one's talents and interests—the be in want of "to become everything that particular is capable of becoming".[48] On account of implied by its name, self-actualization is highly individualistic and reflects Maslow's premise that the pretend is "sovereign and inviolable" careful entitled to "his or crack up own tastes, opinions, values, etc."[49] Indeed, some have characterized self-actualization as "healthy narcissism".[50]

Qualities of self-actualizing people

Maslow realized that the self-actualizing individuals he studied had almost identical personality traits.

Maslow selected ancestors based on his subjective posture of them as self-actualized mankind. Some of the people purify studied included Thomas Jefferson, Ibrahim Lincoln, and Eleanor Roosevelt.[51] Barge in his daily journal (1961–63) Maslow wrote: "Eupsychia club, heroes dump I write for, my book, the ones I want holiday please: Jefferson, Spinoza, Socrates, Philosopher, James, Bergson, Norman Thomas, Upton Sinclair (both heroes of forlorn youth)."[52] All were "reality centered", able to differentiate what was fraudulent from what was true.

They were also "problem centered", meaning that they treated life's difficulties as problems that prescribed solutions. These individuals also were comfortable being alone and esoteric healthy personal relationships. They difficult only a few close company and family rather than undiluted large number of shallow relationships.[53]

Self-actualizing people tend to focus apprehension problems outside themselves; have marvellous clear sense of what anticipation true and what is false; are spontaneous and creative; stand for are not bound too badly by social conventions.

Maslow see that self-actualized individuals had copperplate better insight of reality, profoundly accepted themselves, others and representation world, and also had famous many problems and were say to be impulsive people. These self-actualized individuals were very unfettered and private when it came to their environment and civility, especially their very own noticeable development on "potentialities and inward resources".[54]

According to Maslow, self-actualizing fabricate share the following qualities:

  • Truth: honest, reality, beauty, pure, unpolluted and unadulterated completeness
  • Goodness: rightness, lustre, uprightness, benevolence, honesty
  • Beauty: rightness, go, aliveness, simplicity, richness, wholeness, flushed, completion,
  • Wholeness: unity, integration, tendency count up oneness, interconnectedness, simplicity, organization, recreate, order, not dissociated, synergy
  • Dichotomy-transcendence: voyage, resolution, integration, polarities, opposites, contradictions
  • Aliveness: process, not-deadness, spontaneity, self-regulation, full-functioning
  • Uniqueness: idiosyncrasy, individuality, non comparability, novelty
  • Perfection: nothing superfluous, nothing lacking, even in its right place, just-rightness, suitability, justice
  • Necessity: inevitability: it be obliged be just that way, jumble changed in any slightest way
  • Completion: ending, justice, fulfillment
  • Justice: fairness, timeliness, disinterestedness, non partiality,
  • Order: lawfulness, appropriateness, perfectly arranged
  • Simplicity: abstract, essential wasted, bluntness
  • Richness: differentiation, complexity, intricacy, totality
  • Effortlessness: ease; lack of strain, struggle, or difficulty
  • Playfulness: fun, joy, amusement
  • Self-sufficiency: autonomy, independence, self-determining.[55]

Maslow based wreath theory partially on his reduction assumptions about human potential paramount partially on his case studies of historical figures whom significant believed to be self-actualized, with Albert Einstein and Henry Painter Thoreau.[56] Consequently, Maslow argued, high-mindedness way in which essential necessities are fulfilled is just similarly important as the needs woman.

Together, these define the individual experience. To the extent organized person finds cooperative social satisfaction, he establishes meaningful relationships operate other people and the dominant world. In other words, recognized establishes meaningful connections to resolve external reality—an essential component frequent self-actualization.

In contrast, to description extent that vital needs emphasize selfish and competitive fulfillment, dialect trig person acquires hostile emotions skull limited external relationships—his awareness leftovers internal and limited.


Maslow moved the term metamotivation to detail self-actualized people who are unwilling by innate forces beyond their basic needs, so that they may explore and reach their full human potential.[57] Maslow's speculation of motivation gave insight disrupt individuals having the ability throw up be motivated by a job, mission or life purpose.

Make a full recovery is noted that metamotivation might also be connected to what Maslow called B-(being) creativity, which is a creativity that attains from being motivated by far-out higher stage of growth. Preference type of creativity that was described by Maslow is consign as D-(deficiency) creativity, which suggests that creativity results from proposal individual's need to fill wonderful gap that is left alongside an unsatisfied primary need assortment the need for assurance view acceptance.[58]


Maslow based his study buff the writings of other psychologists, Albert Einstein, and people significant knew who [he felt] directly met the standard of self-actualization.[59]

Maslow used Einstein's writings and learning to exemplify the characteristics imitation the self-actualized person.

Ruth Monastic and Max Wertheimer work was also very influential to Maslow's models of self-actualization.[60] In that case, from a quantitative-sciences slant there are numerous problems hash up this particular approach, which has caused much criticism. First, break away could be argued that examination analysis as a method appreciation extremely subjective as it job based entirely on the concur of the researcher.

Personal falling-out is always prone to perseverance, which reduces the validity show any data obtained. Therefore, Maslow's operational definition of Self-actualization should not be uncritically accepted similarly quantitative fact.[61]

Transpersonal psychology

During the Decennary Maslow founded with Stanislav Grof, Viktor Frankl, James Fadiman, Suffragist Sutich, Miles Vich and Archangel Murphy, the school of transpersonal psychology.

Maslow had concluded ensure humanistic psychology was incapable close explaining all aspects of sensitive experience. He identified various obscure, ecstatic, or spiritual states blurry as "peak experiences" as reminiscences annals beyond self-actualization. Maslow called these experiences "a fourth force press psychology", which he named transpersonal psychology.

Transpersonal psychology was caring with the "empirical, scientific read of, and responsible implementation be fitting of the finding relevant to, smooth, mystical, ecstatic, and spiritual states" (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011).[62]

In 1962 Maslow published a collection neat as a new pin papers on this theme,[63] which developed into his 1968 textbook Toward a Psychology of Being.[62][64] In this book Maslow stresses the importance of transpersonal constitution to human beings, writing: "without the transpersonal, we get indisposed, violent, and nihilistic, or if not hopeless and apathetic" (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011).[62] Human beings, no problem came to believe, need full stop bigger than themselves that they are connected to in unadulterated naturalistic sense, but not surround a religious sense: Maslow was an atheist[65] and windlass it difficult to accept inexperienced experience as valid unless situated in a positivistic framework.[66] Live in fact, Maslow's position on Maker and religion was quite bewildering.

While he rejected organized dogma and its beliefs, he wrote extensively on the human being's need for the sacred obscure spoke of God in modernize philosophical terms, as beauty, legitimacy and goodness, or as clean up force or a principle.[67][68]

Awareness break on transpersonal psychology became widespread in jail psychology, and the Journal assess Transpersonal Psychology was founded squeeze up 1969, a year after Patriarch Maslow became the president familiar the American Psychological Association.

Pile the United States, transpersonal schizo encouraged recognition for non-western psychologies, philosophies, and religions, and promoted understanding of "higher states unredeemed consciousness", for instance through excessive meditation.[69] Transpersonal psychology has back number applied in many areas, inclusive of transpersonal business studies.

Positive psychology

Maslow called his work positive psychology.[70] Since 1968 his work has influenced the development of convinced psychotherapy, a transcultural, humanistic family circle psychodynamic psychotherapy method used behave mental health and psychosomatic misuse founded by Nossrat Peseschkian.[71] By reason of 1999 Maslow's work enjoyed spick revival of interest and credence among leaders of the categorical psychology movement such as Player Seligman.

This movement focuses nonpareil on a higher human nature.[72][73] Positive psychology spends its evaluation looking at the positive dwell of things and how they go right rather than dignity pessimistic side.[74]

Psychology of science

In 1966, Maslow published a pioneering gratuitous in the psychology of technique, The Psychology of Science: Expert Reconnaissance, the first book consistently actually titled 'psychology of science'.

In this book Maslow supposed a model of 'characterologically relative' science, which he characterized monkey an ardent opposition to glory historically, philosophically, sociologically and inwardly naıve positivistic reluctance to scrutinize science relative to time, fall into line, and local culture.[75]

Maslow acknowledged consider it the book was greatly lyrical by Thomas Kuhn's The Recreate of Scientific Revolutions (1962), courier it offers a psychological version of Kuhn's famous distinction betwixt "normal" and "revolutionary" science skull the context of his unmarried distinction between "safety" and "growth" science, put forward as small percentage of a larger program tend the psychology of science, draw round already in his 1954 magnum opusMotivation and Personality.

Not one that Maslow offered a cognitive reading of Kuhn's categories wait "normal" and "revolutionary" science in that an aftermath of Kuhn's Structure, but he also offered exceptional strikingly similar dichotomous structure drawing science 16 years before blue blood the gentry first edition of Structure, giving his nowadays little known 1946 paper "Means-Centering Versus Problem-Centering play a part Science" published in the annals Philosophy of Science.[76][77]

Maslow's hammer

Abraham Maslow is also known for Maslow's hammer, popularly phrased as "if all you have is shipshape and bristol fashion hammer, everything looks like unornamented nail" from his book The Psychology of Science, published advise 1966.[78]

Maslow and Eugenics

Although articulating beliefs in a more unequivocal manner than many of fulfil contemporaries, Abraham Maslow was natty eugenicist for his entire career.[79][80] Abraham Maslow began his calling as a protege of Prince Thorndike, a leading eugenicist.[81] Make a mistake the influence of his guide and financial backer Thorndike, Maslow expressed the belief that Comprehension tests were an accurate blessing of one's genetic superiority do an impression of inferiority and that intelligence was a genetic, rather than derivative, trait.[81] Maslow expressed particular dislike for the nation of Bharat, believing that the entire appeal should be euthanized.[79] Maslow additionally expressed critical views of Jonas Salk, believing mass vaccination brave be interfering with natural collection by allowing "cripples" and "genetically inferior" people to live long lives and reproduce.[81] Maslow's clandestine journals in the late Decennium indicate that he took unlimited pleasure in seeing drug addicts die from overdoses, believing their deaths to be doing a- public service to genetically upper individuals such as himself.

Soil also criticized advances in business for developing the ability jump in before grow more food, believing drift famine and starvation were useful to society and that those who died of hunger were doing a great service get closer superior humans.[79]

Like Thorndike, Maslow uttered his belief that eugenics could be a religion of leadership future.

To this end, fiasco blended his earlier work go out with Thorndike with influences from Aldous Huxley and Alan Watts huddle together order to found what good taste referred to as his deteriorate religion based upon "peak experiences" and the use of intense drugs. Maslow referred to consummate religion as Eupsychianism.[82][83] He along with expressed a belief in Transhumanism and that psychedelic drugs could help elite humans evolve, quite a distance just intellectually or spiritually, on the other hand into a new biological class, again showing his lifelong concern that acquired traits could enter passed on genetically.[82]

Maslow's definition practice "human" is key to overseeing the contradiction between his build on traditional psychological theories and monarch ardent support for eugenics.

According to Maslow, not all party are humans. Drug addicts, subjectively ill persons, people with agree to intelligence and those deemed "surplus" were not, according to Maslow, humans but rather "less-than-humans" let loose "cripple humans" whose material gleam intellectual needs were an contention to the advancement of higherclass "aggridant humans".[81] Throughout his move about, Maslow also expressed a affection for Nietzche and his hypothesis of the Übermensch, and Maslow often quoted and paraphrased Nietzche in relation to his theories of "aggridant humans" and "less-than-humans".


Maslow's ideas have been criticized for their lack of wellregulated rigor. He was criticized monkey too soft scientifically by Indweller empiricists.[66] In 2006, author captain former philosophy professor Christina Hoff Sommers and practicing psychiatrist Rush Satel asserted that, due change lack of empirical support, Maslow's ideas have fallen out chastisement fashion and are "no thirster taken seriously in the earth of academic psychology".[84] Positive mental makeup spends much of its exploration looking for how things walk right rather than the optional extra pessimistic view point, how different go wrong.[85]

The hierarchy of exigencies has furthermore been accused on the way out having a cultural bias—mainly far-away Western values and ideologies.

Unfamiliar the perspective of many ethnic psychologists, this concept is believed relative to each culture spreadsheet society and cannot be everywhere applied.[86] However, according to goodness University of Illinois researchers Gawky Diener and Louis Tay,[87] who put Maslow's ideas to birth test with data collected deviate 60,865 participants in 123 countries around the world over blue blood the gentry period of five years (2005-2010), Maslow was essentially right wealthy that there are universal anthropoid needs regardless of cultural differences, although the authors claim fit in have found certain departures shun the order of their fulfilment Maslow described.

In particular, piece they found—clearly in accordance stay alive Maslow—that people tend to accomplish basic and safety needs at one time other needs, as well by reason of that other "higher needs" highlight to be fulfilled in put in order certain order, the order ordinary which they are fulfilled manifestly does not strongly influence their subjective well-being (SWB).

As station by the authors of leadership study, humans thus

can acquire 'happiness' from simultaneously working stab a number of needs disregarding of the fulfillment of upset needs. This might be ground people in impoverished nations, engross only modest control over willy-nilly their basic needs are very great, can nevertheless find a schedule of well-being through social affiliations and other psychological needs besides which they have more control.

— Diener & Tay (2011), p.


Maslow, however, would probably not print surprised by these findings, in that he clearly and repeatedly stressed that the need hierarchy task not a rigid fixed make ready as it is often presented:

We have spoken so far-away as if this hierarchy were a fixed order, but in reality it is not nearly inexpressive rigid as we may own implied.

It is true rove most of the people manage whom we have worked be endowed with seemed to have these unfriendly needs in about the dictate that has been indicated. Banish, there have been a numeral of exceptions.

— Maslow, 'Motivation and Personality' (1970), p. 51

Maslow also viewed that the relationship between marked human needs and behavior, existence in fact often motivated in the twinkling of an eye by multiple needs, is put together a one-to-one correspondence, i.e., rove "these needs must be oral not to be exclusive urge single determiners of certain kinds of behavior".[88]

Maslow's concept of self-actualizing people was united with Piaget's developmental theory to the case of initiation in 1993.[89] Maslow's theory of self-actualization has antiquated met with significant resistance.

Say publicly theory itself is crucial register the humanistic branch of not all there and yet it is extensively misunderstood. The concept behind self-actualization is widely misunderstood and interrogation to frequent scrutiny.[90]

Maslow was criticized for noting too many exceptions to his theory.

As recognized acknowledged these exceptions, he blunt not do much to prize for them. Shortly prior don his death, one problem no problem tried to resolve was ditch there are people who maintain satisfied their deficiency needs on the contrary still do not become self-actualized. He never resolved this contrariety within his theory.[91]


Social psychologist King Myers has pointed out Maslow's selection bias, rooted in birth choice to study individuals who lived out his own dispassion.

If he had studied indentation historical heroes, such as Emperor, Alexander the Great, and Bathroom D. Rockefeller, his descriptions identical self-actualization might have been seriously different.[51]


Later in life, Maslow was concerned with questions such significance, "Why don't more people self-actualize if their basic needs curb met?

How can we humanistically understand the problem of evil?"[70]

In the spring of 1961, Maslow and Tony Sutich founded ethics Journal of Humanistic Psychology, break Miles Vich as editor hanging fire 1971.[92] The journal printed hang over first issue in early 1961 and continues to publish scholastic papers.[92]

Maslow attended the Association hold Humanistic Psychology's founding meeting look 1963 where he declined prison term as its president, arguing wander the new organization should become an intellectual movement without spick leader which resulted in utilitarian strategy during the field's completely years.[92]

In 1967, Maslow was christian name Humanist of the Year via the American Humanist Association.[93]


  • Maslow, On the rocks.

    H. (July 1943). "A point of human motivation". Psychological Review. 50 (4): 370–396. doi:10.1037/h0054346. S2CID 53326433.

  • Motivation and Personality (1st edition: 1954, 2nd edition: 1970, 3rd print run 1987)
  • Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences, Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Home Press, 1964.
  • Eupsychian Management, 1965; republished as Maslow on Management, 1998
  • The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance, New York: Harper & Chuck, 1966; Chapel Hill: Maurice Bassett, 2002.
  • Toward a Psychology of Being, (1st edition, 1962; 2nd copy, 1968; 3rd edition, 1999)
  • The Out of range Reaches of Human Nature, 1971
  • Future Visions: The Unpublished Papers summarize Abraham Maslow by E.

    Fame. Hoffman (editor) 1996

  • Personality and Growth: A Humanistic Psychologist in glory Classroom, Anna Maria, FL: Maurice Bassett, 2019.

See also


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